Parents and Teachers Slam Bogus Lawsuit as Wall St. Front Group, Dismiss Former TV-Anchor as Out-of-Touch and with No Credibility on Education Issues
(New York, NY) – Yesterday, Campbell Brown announced she will file a bogus lawsuit on Monday aiming to strip due process rights from teachers, by allowing for the unwarranted punishing or firing of teachers. Parents and teachers across the state slammed the lawsuit and said Brown’s Wall Street-backed group only wants to profit from the privatization of public schools:
“Campbell Brown does not speak for me. My daughter’s Spanish teacher was an invaluable asset throughout her middle school, ” said Elzora Cleveland, public school parent and leader and member of New York Communities for Change. “Thanks to the teacher’s experience and creative approach to teaching, my daughter was not only prepared for high school but ahead of others in her class. It is outrageous that Campbell Brown who has no clue about public schools is attacking the rights of our skilled and experienced teachers.”
“If Campbell Brown and her Wall Street cronies really cared about providing all children with their constitutional right to a sound education, they would be fighting to uphold existing legal rulings to provide equitable funding for all students in New York State, not attacking teachers working on the front lines. Punishing or firing teachers for baseless motives won’t help school systems recruit and retain the quality teachers we need to teach our children” said Sue DeFabbia, a teacher from Rochester City School District.
“This lawsuit is another phony attempt to privatize education by Wall Street financiers—hurting students by trampling on the rights and dignity of their teachers. Campbell Brown is an out-of-touch elite who does not know anything about children in my community, and knows nothing about what our public schools need. We need to be investing in strategies to continually improve the skills of teachers, instead of abandoning them in resource-starved schools and then pushing them out,” said Zakiyah Ansari, public school parent and the Advocacy Director of the Alliance for Quality Education.
Parents, teachers and experts available for comment.