(Long Island, NY) The Nassau County Women’s Bar Foundation will honor US Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy and Mary Ann Aiello, Esq. at their Ninth Annual Golf Outing and Dinner on Monday, September 22, at Harbor Links Golf Course in Port Washington.
Carolyn McCarthy has been a leading congresswoman for 17 years and is retiring this year. Mary Ann Aiello, whose practice is in matrimonial law, is to receive the Foundation’s Courage Award.
The Nassau County Women’s Bar Foundation will honor US Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy at their Ninth Annual Golf Outing and Dinner on Monday, September 22, at Harbor Links Golf Course in Port Washington. Photo Credit: Nassau County Women’s Bar Foundation.
“Carolyn McCarthy is a woman to admire,” says Simone Freeman, the co-chair of the Annual Golf Outing. “She overcame a huge tragedy in her life and chose a path to make a difference in the lives of others. Mary Ann Aiello is a breast cancer survivor and a past president of the Nassau County Women’s Bar Association who has dedicated her time and energy to the Association and continues to support our endeavors.”
The Nassau County Women’s Bar Foundation is the charitable arm of the Nassau County Women’s Bar Association and, to date, has raised $185,000 for breast cancer programs. In previous years, the money raised at this event was donated to various breast cancer organizations on Long Island, including the Adelphi NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline & Support Program, which provides emotional support to breast cancer patients and their families; the American Cancer Society for their research and development efforts; and NuHealth Medical Center’s breast cancer mobile unit.
The Nassau County Women’s Bar Foundation will honor Mary Ann Aiello, Esq. at their Ninth Annual Golf Outing and Dinner on Monday, September 22, at Harbor Links Golf Course in Port Washington. Photo Credit: Nassau County Women’s Bar Foundation.
Co-chair Linda Oliva says the Nassau County Women’s Bar Foundation, as an organization dedicated to promoting and advancing women’s issues, could not have made a more fitting choice than breast cancer support and awareness. “Breast cancer will affect one in eight women during their lifetimes,” she says. “It has impacted the lives of some of our members, their families and friends.”
The event begins with registration and brunch at 11 am. Shotgun (scramble) or Golf 101 (2-hour instruction) at 1 pm. The day is capped off with an evening cocktail and hors d’oeuvres reception, followed by a buffet dinner, awards and raffle drawing at 6 pm.
For complete information on the event and how to register or become a sponsor, contact Linda Oliva, Sponsorship Co-Chair at: loliva@pegalisanderickson.com or (516) 684-2900 or visit http://nassauwomensbar.com.
About the Nassau County Women’s Bar Foundation
The Nassau County Women’s Bar Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.