(Long Island, N.Y.) 28 Weeks Later is a horror movie and sequel to the critically acclaimed 28 Days Later by director Danny Boyle (no relation), which itself was a sequel to the hit film 28 Days starring the always-spunky Sandra Bullock.
Okay, I’m joking about the Sandra Bullock movie. I’m also writing this review never having seen the original 28 Days Later, although the plot of the sequel is easy enough to follow for newcomers. The basic facts are laid out right in the beginning- most of the population of jolly old England has been decimated by a genetically-engineered virus known as Rage, turning its victims into violently insane creatures known as the Infected. Their only thought is to kill and/or spread the infection, and the Rage virus has an almost 100% communicability rate when passed through bodily fluids, with major symptoms appearing to manifest within mere seconds from exposure. The Infected’s eyes become blood red, they vomit copious amounts of tainted blood, and are generally rather unpleasant to be around socially.
Anyway, the virus spreads like wildfire but luckily for the Brits, those pesky Infected have one major problem- their instinct for self-preservation is all but nil, which not only makes them relentless killing machines but also numbskulls that don’t even bother to eat. Eventually, the Infected all starve and die, leaving England a deserted wasteland.
Our movie first opens during the initial Rage outbreak, where we find a frightened group hiding out from the Infected in a small cottage in the countryside. Among them are Don (Robert Carlyle) and his wife Alice (Catherine McCormack), who are worried sick about the fates of their children, separated from them in the chaos. Suddenly the Infected manage to break in, and Don does what any real man would do when the love of his life is threatened- he turns tail and runs out on her, leaving Alice to a presumably horrible death.
Now, this initial bit of character development may turn some off, but honestly, having Don abandon his wife like that was an interesting twist you usually don’t see in most movies. Sure, it was low, but people do messed-up things when they’re in a blind panic. Think about it- if you were in that situation, what would you really do? We’d all like to say that we’d go
Arnold on the Infected and take them out single-handedly with a butter knife, but reality is harsh for some people (not me, of course!).
The movie then jumps forward “28 weeks later” and a ruined London is now occupied by American-led NATO forces. A “safe” zone, called District 1, has been established and many of the British survivors are being transplanted there after having
been evacuated to elsewhere in Europe during the outbreak. It is here that Don is reunited with his missing children Tammy (Imogen Poots) and Andy (Mackintosh Muggleton), who naturally are curious about what happened to mommy. Don, clearly consumed with guilt, nonetheless lies and tells his children how he tried real hard to help Alice but, darn it, she got herself killed anyway. Things look bad for dear old dad, however, when his kids sneak out of District 1 to visit their old house and find mom hiding out, seemingly alive and well. Whoops!
Alice is quarantined and it is discovered that, while managing to survive, she did not do so unscathed. But despite bearing multiple bite wounds from the Infected, she exhibits no signs of being overtaken with Rage. It turns out that she has some kind of
natural, hereditary immunity to the virus, and that shocking discovery may well lead to a cure. Don, naturally feeling lower than poop, heads to the military medical headquarters and approaches his oddly unguarded wife, begging for her forgiveness. She gives it
(what a sucker), and the two kiss. Unfortunately for everyone in District 1, Alice is this movie’s version of Typhoid Mary- while she’s unaffected by the Rage virus, she’s still a carrier, and in seconds Don is fully overtaken and becomes one of the Infected. Brutally killing his wife (I bet she won’t forgive that so easily,
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