News: Aftermath of East Coast Earthquake
(Long Island, N.Y.) Despite the great magnitude of Tuesday’s earthquake, most Long Island services have been operational. Sources claimed that the Long Island Power Authority reported no failures during the earthquake, which occurred nine minutes before two in the afternoon. Similarly, the Long Island Rail Road and Metro North reported no delays while many Long Islanders wondered about the aftershocks.
The Holland Tunnel, however, was shut down briefly as police and authorities checked for damage. It was reopened once experts determined that no significant emergency repairs were necessary. Flights out of LaGuardia airport experienced no delays, while Newark Airport planes had to be grounded for an hour. According to reports, control towers shook at Newark and John F. Kennedy International Airport, explaining why both had temporarily closed after the quake.
Sources stated that two nuclear power plants near the center of the earthquake were immediately closed. However, the Indian Point Power Plant was not affected by the earthquake. The Suffolk County Police Department and the Nassau County Police Department reported no significant damage.
New Jersey Transit experienced some delays, and police and authorities instructed residents to call non-emergency hotlines to report down trees or wires. Based on overall consensus, some reports concluded that half of the Long Island residents in the area did not feel the earthquake’s effects. Sources did state, however, that transportation between New Jersey and Philadelphia had been suspended.
The Mayor of New York City had been scheduled to be interviewed when the earthquake hit and reports stated that City Hall was temporarily evacuated. The mayor commented on the earthquake and claimed to have activated the Office of Emergency Management Situation Room. The Office of Emergency Management reported no injuries.
Firefighters in Washington D.C. had to handle building damages and more than nine-hundred 911 emergency calls came from New York City. Some sources stated that President Obama had been at a golf course on Martha’s Vineyard at the time the earthquake hit. Many claimed that the experience of the earthquake felt similar to that of September 11th.
Four nuclear power plants were inspected in New Jersey and all of Washington D.C.’s ambulances were deployed. Reports stated that many schools and embassies were damaged.
Earlier this month, a few earthquakes hit California and Mexico and a 5.3 earthquake was reported in Colorado. Sources claimed that emergency medical services in the area reported no fatalities from the earthquake and stated that traffic had been normal in most places.