(Long Island, NY) Artists Against Abuse celebrated their 11th annual Gala on Saturday, June 17th at the elegant Bridgehampton Tennis and Surf Club. This very special event, darlings was catered by Robbins Wolfe Eventeurs. The Retreat honored Dottie Herman, President & CEO Prudential Douglas Ellman for her devoted dedication to the Retreat. August O. Unibe of Sotheby’s Auction house hosted the prestigious auction along with Television Star Joy Behar of ABC-7 “The View”. Guest celebrated this event by first enjoying cocktails then dinner and the Silent Auction began at 9:00 p.m. Their traditional Silent Auction featured specially commissioned hand-painted ceramic plates and a select Live Auction offered original works by prominent names in design, art and entertainment.
Darlings, Press Photographer Champagne Shane Gritzinger from Filmmagic.com was there to cover this impressive Hamptons event. TV Entertainment reporter sexy glamorous, Gina Glickman from News12 was on hand doing her usual intellectual interviewing for the local network and her column “Whispers” for Dans Paper. Glamorous Gina looked fetching with seductive white pants, sparkling silver lame halter-top and finally topping it off with a gorgeous Hamptons Tan. Ms. Glickman never looked lovelier as she interviewed TV Personality Ms. Behar who was complaining she is always being mistaken for The Divine Ms. M (Bette Midler). The celebrity guest at the event were all complaining about the heat that apparently my sources tell me that during the intense interview between Gina and Joy, Joy stopped and yelled out “Will someone please put the F!!!!! Air conditioner on, it’s hot as hell in here”!!!
Other important celebrities that attended were Financier Owain Morgan, Richard Kubick, Marilyn Church, Fred Davis and Sophia Hall.
The Retreat pioneered on the east end of Long Island domestic violence education in schools in 1995. Through the collaborative efforts of staff and Retreat volunteers, a dynamic and progressive domestic violence education program was developed for the elementary, middle and high schools. It was named HEROS DON’T HIT and then HANDS ARE NOT FOR HITTING™ (A wonderful title shared by the Minnesota Coalition of Battered Women with other domestic violence prevention agencies).
To recognize and address important issues in 1998 in the types of violence affecting families with children and adolescents the Retreat renamed their school program The Retreat’s In-School Violence Prevention Education.
To prevent ongoing violence in the homes of adolescent and children lies in the development of internal resources to protect them against violent abuse. When completing a school presentation their staff’s greatest satisfaction is knowing that they were successful in providing students with concrete information to use-if and when necessary. For more information please go to http://www.theretreatinc.org
Until my next celebrity event in the Hamptons darlings,