(Long Island, N.Y.) Instead of actually reviewing the instant death that is Kevin James’ new movie, Zookeeper, I’m tempted to simply cut and paste the word “TERRIBLE” about 700 times and leave it at that. However, I don’t think that would get me paid, so I guess I’ll go the more conventional route and try to convey to you why I feel it’s one of the worst movies ever made. Seriously.
Griffin Keyes (Kevin James) is a nice guy who works in the zoo. Relating more to animals than human beings, Griffin has zero social skills and wants a girlfriend, so he decides to quit his zoo gig (which cost him a previous relationship with a fashion model who was too stuck up to be with a guy who shovels elephant poo for a living) and try and get a life…well, at least as much of a life that someone of his limited intelligence can acquire.
Not wanting Griffin to leave, his loyal animal friends suddenly decide to reveal to him that they can actually talk, and they want to school him on how to win over the ladies using their own patented mating rituals. You know, ANIMAL mating rituals. If you’ve ever watched a National Geographic special, you know the kind I’m talking about. If used on humans in real life, these techniques would likely translate to serial rape, but within the confines of this idiotic movie, it simply provides awkward, unfunny situations which results into a rape of a different sort- that is, the minds of any audience unfortunate enough to be watching it.
Of course, we all know where the movie will end up before it even begins…after trying so hard to learn social graces and be a smooth playa with the ladies, Griffin will most likely find the woman of his dreams who loves him for who he is. But what are the chances that she’ll be learning disabled? Pretty good if you ask me.
It’s hard to say where this movie goes so wrong…it just falls on its face on so many levels. Now, I understand that it’s supposed to be a kid’s movie, but even the kid I saw it with found it to be disgustingly bad, so you can’t even use the excuse that I’m too old to “get it.” It’s just universally horrid.
But, I’m reviewing it, so I suppose I must delve into specifics. First of all, the animals are all just grating. They appear to have gone the “real animals with CG mouths” route, and not only does it look bad (though I suppose 100% CG animals would have looked worse), but everything that comes out of these animal’s mouths is completely stupid and lacking in any comedic value. Oh, did I mention the line-up of “celebrity” guest voice actors for the animals, such as Sylvester Stallone, Adam Sandler, Nick Nolte, Cher, and *shudder* Rob Schneider (well, at least it’s just his voice in the movie…I don’t have to look at him). The only bright spot among this collection of washed-up actors is former UFC butt-kicker Bas Rutten, who quite appropriately plays a wolf. Anyone who’s watched “Bas Rutten’s Lethal Street Fighting” on YouTube should be happy about this brilliant casting choice.
As for the human characters, Kevin James just plays a goofy clod, and frankly, appears ashamed to even be in this movie, if you ask me. Donnie “I wish I had Marky-Mark’s career” Wahlberg plays some guy at the zoo who’s mean to James’ character, and Rosario Dawson plays James’ love interest, and is perhaps the only entertaining aspect of this movie. Other than Bas Rutten, that is.
So, yes, Zookeeper is a bad, bad, bad movie. But anyone who’s seen a commercial or trailer probably had already figured that out for themselves. I predict that Kevin James’ next movie will probably be Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2, as a sequel to his only successful movie to date is the only way to go after releasing this bomb.