LONG ISLAND, NY – Honorees, members and supported joined together at The Club House at Merrick Golf Club for the Third Annual Creative Empowerment, Inc. Scholarship and Fundraising Gala to benefit Creative Empowerment. Inc.
Your Time For Creative Empowerment, Inc. is your contribution towards a much needed solution to the challenges of life and pitfalls of the 21st century. Creative Empowerment Inc. believes that the task at hand calls for solutions that are not ordinarily thought of as viable and effective by others outside the area of the arts.
Honoree-Gail-King with Cognac Wellerlane at the The Club House at Merrick Golf Club for the Third Annual Creative Empowerment, Inc. Scholarship and Fundraising Gala to benefit Creative Empowerment. Inc.
As artists, they are forever taking on challenges as they create something out of nothing, as they seize upon opportunities to create the tangible and aesthetic which even though not, preconceived, takes its rightful place in this world. Creative Empowerment neither entertains nor tolerates the term ‘obstacle’ in their lexicon of life.
Creative Empowerment believes in and values the idea of working collaboratively with teaching artists and other professionals and experts to provide arts-centered solutions to life’s problems. They believe that assisting youth and parents in practicing creative ways of identifying, developing, and creating self-help solutions to relevant issues that affect them will result in improvement in the areas of personal development, multicultural and social acceptance/tolerance.
Before the event got underway I was happy to talk to the organizations founder, Ms. Madona Cole-Lacy.
Hello darlings, welcome back I am Cognac Wellerlane and I am here at the Creative Empowerment, Inc. Scholarship and Fundraising Gala and I am here with the coordinator of tonight’s event Ms. Madona Cole Lacy. Madona tell my audience about this event tonight. What is it really all about?
Madona: Actually this event is being held for Creative Empowerment which is an organization that caters to Long Island youth and family. We use arts, fashion and culture as a way to empower our youth. That is what we are all about. Tonight we have our yearly and only one fundraising event which is to embrace all those who have been helping us over the years. Everyone of our honorees have had something to do with creating Creative Empowerment.
How many honorees are here tonight?
Madona: We have fourteen honorees here tonight.
My Goodness
Madona: It seems like a whole lot of people but it was very easy thing to do because every now and then we need to say “Thank you,” to those who do what they can for youth. I feel so happy tonight because I look at the list of honorees and I have a story to tell about each of them and they all serve their own way and like I say again we need to say “Thank you,” in a grand way
How long has this organization been established?
Madona: This is the third year
The third year…so this organization has been around for three years.
Madona: Three years and the concept has been around for much longer because I use to divide services to my non profit organization called “My Time Has Come.” I would do all kinds of programs and get the community involved. It was a natural thing for me to go on and do a dedicated organization to serve the youth.
You work very hard a this. Why did you start this?
Madona: Well I tell you the truth is when My son was entering his Junior year at Hofstra University at the time his sister was entering Wellesley College and I said that I have done all that I could for this child to give her a foundation so that when she leaves her home and goes to college she will be able to adapt and I am here for her if she needs any help so I decided there other parents who may not have the know how, who may not have the means, who are just not connected in that way with their children….why don’t I just do something.
You made it easy for them.
Madona: Yes, I made it easy for them and my husband happens to be a psycho therapist.
He is very handsome.
Madona: Thank you so much. I consulted with him to see how viable this could be. So we decided to use mental health strategies and a lot of different strategies to work with our youth and we put creative arts into it too. Everybody has something that empowers them. Some tool that they can use to empower themselves and all we really do is awaken that.
Madona Cole-Lacy with Cognac Wellerlane at the The Club House at Merrick Golf Club for the Third Annual Creative Empowerment, Inc. Scholarship and Fundraising Gala to benefit Creative Empowerment. Inc.
Visual Artist, Mrs. Cole-Lacy is passionate about creating custom art that particularly addresses the needs of others. With over 30 years of experience as a designer of wearable art and custom home accessories, Madona Cole-Lacy focuses on creating one-of-a kind garments and accessories. She is also passionate about creating wearable art for people who are not able to easily find solutions to meet their aesthetic, special and medical needs. Madona Cole Originals, functional and fashionable, Dignity Headwear for women and girls experiencing hair loss is the vehicle through which she does this. More information can be found at www.madonacoleoriginals.com
As an Educator and a Long Island Teaching Artist, Mrs. Cole-Lacy is passionate about the teaching and learning process. This speaks to her desire to maximize the potential of all children, adolescents and youth for success within the social, educational and cultural sphere. Her professional experience as a New York City Public School teacher and facilitator of art-related workshops for students and teachers; which combine art, fashion, the awareness of cultural diversity and personal development; illustrates this well www.mytimehascome.org
Madona Cole-Lacy is a motivator whose engagement in community service initiatives; such as workshops for college-bound students, workshop for seniors citizens, community-wide creative conversation and artistic expressions; triggered what she refers to as a ‘Eureka Moment’. This led her to create a tool that would encompass her professional skills and the lessons learned from her experience as a mother, an adult care-giver to parents in their nineties, and a one-time divorcee and single mother.
For more information please visit http://www.yourtime4liny.org