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(Long Island, N.Y.) This has to be one of the best inventions I’ve seen in a long time. The “OmniRobe” (patent pending) is a clever, chic and super comfy robe that’s truly a brilliant (and practical) idea. It’s an innovative 4-in-1 versatile luxury bathrobe designed specifically to meet all of your needs. It never gets in your way of everyday tasks; just zip off the sleeves and/or the bottom and enjoy unencumbered freedom while still in the comfort of your favorite robe. Instantly regulate your body temp: stay cool, zip off. Warm up, zip on.
Not only did I quickly fall in love with the luxurious look and feel; I was impressed by the workmanship and top-notch attention to detail. Yes-all this excitement.over a robe!
Best of all–its sparked from a local mom who had the fortitude to fully execute a fabulous idea. I recently caught up with the creator, Jessica Mashkevich of Kona Benellie Designs who truly put her heart and soul reinventing and revolutionizing a staple in every woman’s wardrobe.
So when and how did you get the idea for this (rather brilliant!) idea?
I loved to wear my favorite robe or should I say I loved the concept of wearing my favorite robe however I’m not sure if my robe spent more time on my body or draped over my kitchen chair. It’s a great feeling to snuggle into the comfort of my favorite robe after my shower or after a long day of work but the practicality of wearing it always seemed to be a challenge. Either I would get too warm too quickly especially, after that hot cup of coffee in the morning, or it would just get in the way of what I was doing at the time. And in the summer months, it was cozy to put for a minute or two but in reality it was just too warm to wear until fall/winter came around… that made me a bit sad.
That’s when I decided that my favorite robe needed a transformation. So one night, with a giant scissor in my left hand (go lefties!!) (and a glass of wine in the other hand), I re-invented the bathrobe to fit in with all of my needs of warming up, cooling off, unencumbered multi-tasking, and all-season wear of my favorite robe! Voila!
A lot of people have clever ideas but many (like me!) just don’t follow through. What prompted or inspired you to fully execute your creation?
I was psyched to find that there was nothing out there like this. I was excited that my 4-in-1 creation will improve people’s lives and even free up valuable closet space after clearing out those other 6 robes that never get worn. I began the patent process right away and had friends and family sign non-disclosure agreements. I did market research and usability testing to see if this sort of product would be successful and made tweaks to the prototype along the way. I scanned my mental Rolodex and pulled out all of the people that I would tap into for their advice, their skills, their knowledge, and their connections to help me take this to the next level.
In my previous career at JP Morgan Chase, I had a fabulous boss and still my mentor who taught me how to tackle things like this so I felt confident to hit the ground running. Advice to all: never burn bridges. People of your past and present can become very instrumental to you one day. Plus, it’s just not nice to burn bridges in general.
What early successes are you celebrating now and what’s in store for the future?
I am BIG on celebrating successes! My definition of a success is ‘every step FORWARD’. I re-invented the age-old bathrobe! I celebrated after my patent was submitted. I celebrated after the prototype was complete. I celebrated after launching my web site www.omnirobe.com. I celebrated after my first write-up in the press. I celebrated after receiving my first purchase order. I celebrate every time I am able to get the right buyer on the phone. I recognized early on that there will be setbacks along the way so why not celebrate every successful step in the right direction.
I have great things planned for the immediate future of the OmniRobe… in the US and worldwide. I intend to get more people to know about it. I want more celebrities to wear it and love it (which they do already). I’d love to place it into some of the popular TV shows like Live with Regis and Kelly, Ellen, Modern Family, The Office, and Grey’s Anatomy. I would even love Andy Sandberg to create a SNL Digital Short about it! I want to bring comfort and ease to people’s lives with more versatile luxury creations by Kona Benellie Designs.
I think it makes the PERFECT gift for any gal–moms, aunts, wives, grandmas, friends. How can we buy it?
The OmniRobe DOES make the perfect gift! Even if you are buying for someone who is particular, with 4 different ways to wear the OmniRobe, you can’t go wrong.
Right now, you can buy OmniRobes from our main web site at www.omnirobe.com or you can buy from our retailers like Hammacher Schlemmer (they call our robe the Four in One Robe Item# 81839) and you can find it here.
Buyers can contact me directly at jessmash@konabenellie.com.