(Long Island, N.Y.) Hey ladies, how good are you at keeping that beautiful body of yours healthy and happy? Grab a piece of paper and pencil and count up the “checks” by giving yourself points for the statements that ring true. (Be honest!)
- 2 points for always
- 1 point for sometimes
- 0 points for never
- I eat a healthy breakfast.
- I make it a priority to take some time each day—just for myself.
- I’m always all fibered up by eating plenty of fruits and veggies.
- I get some exercise in at least a few times a week
- I get annual physicals from my MD
- I try to go easy on the sodium
- I eat healthy, nutritious meals
- I love what I do for a living
- I examine my breasts regularly
- I drink plenty of water and I’m keen on staying hydrated
- I’m diligent about oral health: brushing/ flossing/dentist visits
- I get a good night’s sleep (6-8 hours a night)
- I laugh a lot
- I see my ob/gyn and get a pap smear every year
- I wear sunscreen
- When I’m super-stressed, I find ways to relax
Add ‘em up!
32-25 Bravo! Hey there, Miss Healthy—you are in check! Your body isn’t begging for some TLC. You’ve got it all going on—in a good way! If by reading any of the above statements you just realized you’re slacking (just a touch) in any area, just let it be a reminder to get an A++ on your self heath test, next time. By all means, keep doing what you’re doing! FYI: Since you scored so supreme, go (re)treat yourself to a girls-only get-away at a blissful sanctuary: Check out Elizabeth Arden’s Red Door Lifestyle Spa in South Florida. Go on, you deserve it!
24-14 Not too shabby! So maybe you need a little help in the health department. You’re probably on top of things—just not all things. Our treatment plan: take baby steps towards the right direction. Anything you’re doing just sometimes, you can do all the time so long as you put your mind to it and keep your eyes on the prize: a happy and healthy you! FYI: You can zero in on some things you must do to boost your health right now by visiting EverydayHealth.com
13-0 Yikes! This is the one test you don’t want to fail! But if you did score low–no worries. Pick up the phone and start making those (much needed) medical appointments and get on track to getting your body beaming with health and wellness. The great news is you can start right now and make some healthier choices. FYI: If getting fit (and to the gym) seems too overwhelming, get thee to iTRAIN.com for downloadable fitness workouts onto your MP3 player… like having a personal trainer in your pocket!