(Long Island, NY) Have you heard the one about the Oyster Bay High School assembly? A troupe called All Access Productions put on a show during school hours that including singing and rapping about tolerance. The high school students were invited to a second performance later that evening. The kids showed up expecting more of the same. What they got was indeed more of the same, but with a nice gospel surprise waiting for them as the singers and rappers urged students to accept Jesus as their savior.
Talk about bait and switch!
Many people, no doubt including some school officials, were quite surprised by the tactic. Or at least they SAY they were surprised. This sort of thing has been going on for decades, it’s a common practice for an ‘evangelistic outreach’ group to do such a thing. In the past they concentrated on “just say no” messages in the school assemblies, but now it seems that they are branching out into tolerance messages, too.
Folks, it’s perfectly fine to invite people to a church service, but giving a bunch of high school students the old switcheroo is not only insulting to the kids, it’s also deceptive. Shame on these people who claim to live by the Gospels; as far as I could tell, Jesus never had to resort to false advertising to draw a crowd.
Not only that, but the message it sends—no, strike that—the message such practices reinforce in our teenagers is the same one sent by politicians. It’s ok to mislead and deceive people, even if it’s for what we consider to be for their own good. It’s fine to lie as long as the ends justify the means.
On the other hand, can we really blame this gospel group? After all, they are only doing what George W. Bush did in justifying a war in Iraq. He told half the story and waited until we were all present and accounted for at the second stage of the game before admitting the truth. The gospel group in Oyster Bay was merely following the example of our President, who I might add claims to be a born-again Christian. If the top leader in the land can get away with it, why not this group of rapping preachers?
It’s a sad age we live in, folks. The kids were naturally just as confounded at that second rally with it’s gospel preaching as the American public was in the wake of revelations that all that “evidence” we had to go to war on was actually shoddy information that a trained monkey with a Rosetta Stone could have deciphered as wrong.
It’s too late to fix things, in either case. The kids got cheated out of an evening of mindless fun with an out-of-nowhere church service. The American public got cheated out of having the REAL war on terrorism fought on the right turf. No amount of apologies will cut it. Now we have a bigger problem-nobody trusts those evangelists any more than many Americans trust the Pres. It’s time to get new versions of both.
To preachers and would-be Presidents everywhere, I offer this bit of humble advice, right from the Bible. “Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.”