(Long Island, NY) A quote from Reuters: “U.S. commanders say they expect a surge in violence with the start of the Ramadan holiday next week.” Now, that, folks, is absolutely CHARMING. We’re going to get more killings, just in time for the HOLY HOLIDAYS. What kind of nonsense is this?
I remember some not-so-moderate Islamic leaders being interviewed after 9/11, when reporters grilled them about the deaths of more than three thousand innocent people. Some of these leaders made great noises about how Islam prohibited the killing of innocent people. Only one, in my faulty memory, was actually forced to admit (by a VERY wily and skillful reporter) that according to one radical’s interpretation, only people who followed Islam would be considered “innocent”.
I used to believe that the most dangerous people were the Pat Buchanans, Jerry Falwells, and Pat Robertsons of the world. People with enough money to spread a particular brand of intolerance to anyone who disagreed with them. Now I know better. I know that it doesn’t matter what religion you follow, so long as you HATE. As long as you hate, you’re a threat to the rest of us decent, common-sense loving humans from Earth.
Now a more extreme person would, at this point, be making some kind of case for “control” of these true-blue, no-holding-back believers. Personally, I think that’s a complete waste of time. There’s no controlling someone who hates you enough to blow themselves into a million pieces in a futile gesture that only creates heartbreak and grief for innocent bystanders. Can you reason with such logic? No. Can we control such dedication? No.
Rabble-rouser Frank Zappa once suggested fighting Islamic extremists on their own turf. Zappa suggested a “pork aerosol bomb” that would saturate the enemy in essence of dead pig. Zappa claimed, “you can’t get into heaven smelling like a pig” according to his interpretation of extremist doctrine. No need to kill off the radicals. Just douse them in pig.
I’m not sure how practical that is, but it certainly is food for thought. (Pun unintentional.)
Pondering all this, it occurred to me that there is something missing from all this. Has anyone noticed that all the car bombs, all the suicide attacks outside of one horrible day in September, have all happened in other countries?
Folks, I think there’s a reason for this. In spite of our flaws, in spite of our crappy Pat Robertson sympathizers, SUV driving gas-addicts, and idiotic daytime television, these suicide bombers fear America, and will most likely never operate here with the same apparent ease they do in Iraq, and other places.
These extremists fear America, as it seems to be the one place where they would be shut down fairly quickly once a string of these incidents started occurring. Our xenophobia is not a good thing—don’t get me wrong. I shudder to think of the reprisals that would happen against our decent, everyday Islamic citizens should such activities happen here. There would be awful headlines of attacks against ordinary folks, simply because they reminded some redneck idiot somewhere of his or her idea of a terrorist.
With that in mind, these terrorists understand that between ugly vigilante attacks and the focused efforts of law enforcement, their days would be very numbered. They recognize this fact, and are scared of it.
This long ramble doesn’t really have much of a point, does it? Well, suffice it to say that the leaders of these extremists are too frightened of losing their privilege, money, and power to set up base camps in America. Outside of a few horrible, but isolated incidents, it is very likely we shall never see the prolonged suicide bombings other countries are treated to on a yearly basis.
When 9/11 happened, I had a horrible feeling of dread. If there were repeated attacks in America, it seemed very likely that the terror cells could inflict real damage to the nation, weakening it through fear, disaster, and fire. Fortunately, these extremist types are too simple-minded to think that far ahead. They may have had the cunning to pull off a single day of attacks, but their childish thinking renders them incapable of pulling off a sustained campaign capable of doing actual damage beyond the horrors we already know.
I am grateful for the military incompetence of these zealots on our soil. I am saddened, frustrated, and fearful for our troops in the war zones, and I am hoping that our elected officials grow as fearful as I am. It disturbs me that other countries are unable to eliminate these terrorists, and even more so that our presence there is a mere obstacle to the bloodshed, rather than a deterrent. In times such as these, maybe we need to rethink our entire foreign policy. Any war zone where the bloodshed escalates because of the holy days is probably a losing proposition for us. We just don’t have the stomach to fight these people on their own terms, and what we are doing now just isn’t working.
In closing, I’d just like to say, with all due respect to legitimate followers of “the religion of peace,” I would dearly love to see all religious extremists covered in bacon.