American Idol is Over, but it’s never really over is it?
Last Wednesday night David Cook won the title of American Idol. We all knew it was going to be David, we just didn’t know which one. Archuleta was a good rival, but with 12 million fewer votes, he wasn’t America’s favorite this year. It was another great Idol season and many of us were sad to see it go. But, despite talks about Idol losing viewership and not reaching out to viewers anymore, Idol isn’t over for good – not by a long shot.
All you have to do is look at all the other shows on TV to see why Idol will be sticking around. Sure, the show may have gotten a little old and listening to grumpy Simon season after season is annoying yet somewhat enjoyable. But, America still loves Idol. In fact, so many Americans watch Idol that it gets the top spot by millions of votes each night it airs. So, even if they say it’s slipping in viewership somewhat that doesn’t mean there is another show out there that could replace it.
Why We Love Idol
To really think about why American Idol is so popular we need to think about ourselves. We all have a dream, whatever it may be, and it is nice to see a show allowing real, every day people, just like you and me, achieving their dreams. Sure, not everyone wins the title, but as the past seasons have proven you don’t have to win to become famous. Getting into the top 10 – 12 is really all you need to have a chance at becoming a superstar. And to many Idol wannabes, just making the show is a dream come true.
So, we all tune in to watch potential Idols chasing their dreams. It gives us hope, it gives us inspiration, and it makes us evaluate ourselves. You have seen those kids on there who never had a shot and how they simply serve for entertainment. The good thing about those kids is that not only is it funny to watch, but it helps people put their own dreams in perspective. If you are dreaming of becoming a professional athlete, but you can’t even make your high school team, then you should reevaluate your dream.
Then, there are some of those who in spite of zero talent remain determined to become singers. These contestants are great examples to all of the rest of us. They prove that if you really want to do something then you can, that there is a way out there somehow. These kids audition on Idol, and while they may not become the next big superstar, they just might get to perform on the final show as an entertainment act. Some produce songs like the unforgettable William Hung singing “She Bangs” and it was is hilarious. So for those who have talent there is the option of being discovered and having a real music career. For those who aren’t talented, but who are really funny, there is still opportunity to make people laugh. Idol really does make dreams come true!
Now that the show is over, many of us are sad for David Archuleta having not won the title, while others are basking in David Cook’s glory. But, just because the show is over doesn’t mean you can’t hear the two sing on stage anymore.
You Don’t Have to Wait
The American Idol tour starts on July 1 in Glendale, Arizona, and will continue through September 13 hitting a city near you. Some of the states the Idol tour will visit include California, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, and others yet to be announced. You don’t have to wait until the contestants have their own CDs out, you can hear this summer at a live concert or download their performances on itunes.
What’s Next
Over the coming year we will surely see David Cook and David Archuleta come into careers of their own. Don’t count Syesha Mercado out, either, because she has a powerhouse voice and is beautiful, the whole package when it comes to the entertainment industry. There are several others in the top 10 who are likely to come out with albums of their own, too, so just wait a couple months to see what happens. In the meantime, enjoy the Idol concert tour and listen to your favorite singer’s songs on iTunes.