Happy Holidays and a Happpy New Year to you all! As I write my final article for this year, I think back on all the trials, challenges, and triumphs I experienced this year. And after reviewing it all I realized… We made it through yet again!! Our strength, compassion, determination, patience, and success rate have all gained another notch underneath our belts.
You know… some of you may feel like you had a great year, a lousy year, or no real change of a year at all. But do yourself a favor and take a little time to reflect on all you have done this year. What have you lost and what have you gained? Who have you made an impact on and who has made an impact on you? Where did you stand before and where do you stand know? What was the most significant or defining moment of this year? Who deserves the biggest hug and who deserves the biggest kick in the #$%#@!!
Take note of these things, write out a “ This year in the life of so and so.” And most importantly, once you are done documenting these things… ask yourself the most important question… what do you want this next year to look like? Because whether you realized it or not, the New Year is a perfect and real opportunity to break new ground, forge ahead of yourself, maybe… surprise yourself, and do something truly extraordinary! Every moment is an opportunity to make a change, make a mends, or make a fresh start. Use the New Year as the pinnacle moment in your life to start something, finish something, or just to continue your journey of self-realization and self-improvement. In fact, you obviously have a few moments to read this article… take a few more right now and document your year. That’s right! Pull up your “Microsoft Word” and start typing!
You cannot reach your goals without a measurement of your actions, and right now would be the perfect time for you to take that measurement! As I continue to learn and grow, I will always share what I learn with you, our faithful readers. I look forward to next year for all of us… as I wish you all, a most joyous holiday!