We all may, at one point or another, find ourselves in a little funk. Feeling depressed can be a draining emotion. It basically drains you of all of the things you enjoy doing, and causes you to lose your drive to live your life as productively as you normally do. Here are a few simple things you can do right now to fight those feelings of depression, and kick them to the curb!!
•Shed some light on your darkness! Research shows that sunlight can help to relieve symptoms of depression. So get out into the sun and get some fresh air. If you can’t get out into the sun, or you live in one of those places where it stays dark for unusually long periods of time, or if you are a vampire (ha-ha), then you can always invest in a light therapy machine, I hear they work pretty good as well.
•Make yourself busy, especially during idling times! To fight depression, you need to keep your mind occupied. Take on a hobby or project that commands your full attention. Filling your day with things to do will keep you busy and thinking of the tasks at hand, instead of negative thoughts and feelings. Pay specific attention to the times where you are idle, driving, waiting, eating, relaxing, etc., and distract your thoughts with some type of activity. Listening to inspiring music, reading a magazine on the latest fashions, or watching funny shows (Seinfeld is one of my favorites!) are some activities you can do.
•Call or visit one of your funny relatives or friends. We all have that friend or family member that always manages to crack us up every chance they get! Call or visit these people! God has blessed us with there presence for a reason! Just make sure when you do, that they are not in a depressive state as well… there is nothing worse than two depressed friends being depressed together (believe me, it doesn’t work… I’ve tried it!).
•Perform your good deed for the day! Doing something kind for someone else will definitely make you feel all warm and gooey inside… no matter how depressed you are! Besides, don’t we just love to take credit for other peoples happiness? Well doing a kind deed will make that credit you take rightfully deserved, and feel really good too! Get your grandparents out of the house, or take your godson to a baseball game (I prefer Laser tag!). Make someone else’s day, and you will have made your own… and before you know it, you will be saying, “Depression what?”
•Review your “Box of Achievements!” All of us have this lying around somewhere. You know… the dusty box with medals, or mantle of awards and certificates you have that displays all of your accomplishments? Reminiscing about all of your accomplishments you have made in the past, can be a helpful reminder of how you triumphed over obstacles, and pushed through to victory. Remember all you have been through to get where you are today. You may begin to see how it is time to face and triumph over these shadowed times… and work your way back to happiness. It is also helps as a distraction to fill your head with happy memories, instead of unhappy thoughts.
Try these tips out when you are feeling blue, and find your happy place again (Happy Gilmore did!). Remember that these suggestions are in no way to be taken as medical advice, and you should always consult with your doctor if you do experience symptoms of depression. Live well and full my friends!!