(Long Island, N.Y.) I’m always on the hunt for some feel-good relationship, beauty and health advice. I recently asked April Masini, nicknamed “The New Millennium’s Dear Abby” by the media, (www.AskApril.com). Masini writes what Dear Abby will never print, and what your shrink doesn’t have the guts to tell you. That’s why she is America’s foremost online dating and relationship advice expert, as well as the best-selling author of four books: Date Out Of Your League, Think & Date Like A Man, 50 First Dates and The Next 50 Dates.
In less than 18 months, AskApril.com has become one of the most heavily trafficked dating and relationship advice sites in the world. I caught up with April and asked her to share some of her secrets.
Long Island Exchange: Since you’re the go-to girl for all kinds of awesome advice, I’d really love to tap into your beauty knowledge. I’m a mom with so little time for pampering. What’s the “least” I should be doing to indulge myself and feel like a lady?
Masini: The more you do for other people, the more you should indulge yourself. And don’t necessarily think of it as indulging yourself. Think of it as nourishing yourself so you can take care of others and other things. Think about it. Would a star athlete go out for a big game without pre-training and great diet, sleep and body care? No way! And you’re taking care of even more than an athlete — you’re taking care of a child, a husband, and the mother and wife of that child and husband — yourself. Shouldn’t you be spending time on yourself and not skimping when it comes to any kind of care? Even beauty care?

Masini writes what Dear Abby will never print, and what your shrink doesn’t have the guts to tell you.
A great exercise routine, a great diet and sleep schedule and a great grooming and beauty routine are musts for every woman. Within that structure you do “leasts”, like exercising two to three times a week; eating junk every now and then, but eating well balanced meals 75% of the time, at least, etc.
Long Island Exchange: Hair tips. I swear by Kiehl’s Silk Groom and a hot air curling iron. What do you swear by these days?
Masini: I don’t endorse particular products, but I do have skin care and hair care tips I can share with you:
Skin: The most important thing you can do to get beautiful skin is to drink water – eight glasses a day – and get enough sleep. Stress in your life will show up in your skin.
Another way you can improve your complexion is exercise. Getting the blood circulating and sweating out toxins will give your skin a beautiful and healthy glow.
Sex is also great for your complexion – in addition to being fun, and a good workout!
Ways skin is negatively affected:
- Stress
- Hormones
- Pollution
- Sun
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Lack of sleep
- Lack of exercise
- Lack of hydration
- Climate (windburn and chapped skin)
- Medications
- Over cleansing
- Not removing makeup
Beautiful skin starts with clean skin.
- Always remove your makeup at night, even if you’re exhausted.
- Cleanse your skin each evening. Over cleansing is one of the biggest mistakes women make, stripping their skin of natural moisture. Always clean your skin with a gentle cleanser and warm water.
- Exfoliants that are gentle help get rid of dead skin, and dirt we can’t see that clogs our pores. Scrubs, like exfoliants, are cleansers that contain particles like sand, or crushedfruit pits that perform the same function as exfoliants. As you clean your face, theparticles gently massage and remove junk from your skin, and increase circulation. Thiscan leave your skin glowing instead of dull.
- Toners, astringents and clarifying lotions should be applied with cotton balls to clean skin, and remove dirt and oil that your cleanser or exfoliant left behind. Some of them are slightly harshly because they contain alcohol to chemically kill the germs. If you’re sensitive, choose a non-alcohol based toner.
- Masks are great deep cleaning or moisturizing treats for your skin once every two weeks. Always apply them to freshly cleaned skin.
- Monthly facials can be wonderful treats for your skin if it is not too sensitive. Sometimes breakouts can follow a facial, so go makeup free for a few hours after your facial.
Long Island Exchange: You’ve worked with some big names in Hollywood. Ever snag any beauty secrets from a celebrity?
Masini: I incorporate all my beauty secrets – celebrity and civilian – into the beauty tips I’ve mentioned above, and in my book, Think & Date Like A Man.
Long Island Exchange: I’ll admit, sometimes I just way to busy to get dolled up for my husband. But I do realize it’s important if I’d like to keep the passion going. How important do you think it is to not “let yourself go” ?
Masini: Very important. In fact, I’ve written The Next 50 Dates for women in relationships with their husbands, who want to keep the spark in their marriage. It doesn’t just stay lit by itself. Keeping a relationship fresh is work. Letting yourself go is letting the marriage go. Remember how you fell in love and got together? It was attraction. And keeping an attraction going is important to the longevity of your relationship.
Long Island Exchange: I’m a self-confessed beauty product junkie and I love to hear suggestions for the latest and greatest. What’s a couple of stand-outs in your beauty bag?
Masini: Believe it or not the best beauty tips are lots of good rest, stress–less living and good eating and water-drinking. There are always new products coming out and going out of style, but the classic beauty secrets are really no secret at all. And they’re all stand outs:
Rest, stress-less living and good food and plenty of water. Three of the cheapest and most potent beauty products available to everyone.
Stress can put pimples, pounds and a putrid look on your face because it affects all parts of your body, your spirit and your relationships with everyone around you. Alleviate the stress, and you’re going to have better skin, hair, weight, energy and happiness. It sounds like a miracle product, but it’s not.
Sleep improves your circulation, your nervous system functioning and your emotions. You can handle more when you’re well rested and make better decisions. This all trickles down to results in the mirror. When you’re well rested you’ll feel like exercising, taking care of yourself, getting that manicure and haircut and looking good. You won’t be thinking about when your next nap is — you’ll be thinking about how to have fun and enjoy life.
Good food and lots of water also improve your metabolism, your energy and believe it or not, your ability to sleep better and handle stress better. When you eat well, you’ll have more energy to do more things — like exercise and take care of yourself.
And all three of these beauty “products” lead to better relationships and better sex!
Do you need any more advertising? I don’t!
Long Island Exchange: Looking beautiful? Well, I think you got that covered! What’s the three top things you do–to make you feel beautiful?
Masini: I swear by RSF — rest, stress-less living and food and water that’s good for you. Those are the top three beauty secrets that aren’t so secret at all. Sorry — no rare products imported from exotic countries here! The best I can do for you, and the best you can do for yourself are my top three: rest, stress-less living and good food and lots of water.