(Long Island, N.Y.) The Karate Kid (2010) hits theatres June 11 but if you haven’t noticed, television commercials are already airing promoting the old movie with a new twist. While I’ll always have a very special place in my heart for Ralph Macchio (sigh), I’m excited to see Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan team up and modernize this 1984 movie. (I wonder if they’ll be any wax on-wax off moments!)
If the popularity of this film has your child asking about martial arts—I say do it! My seven-year-old son started this past fall and I am more than impressed by the outcome. He loves training twice a week and it most certainly gave his self-esteem and confidence a big boost.
One thing that can be confusing is finding the right school. Everyone seemed to rave about one particular school here on Long Island United Studios Martial Arts Academy and the truth is that was the last place I went. I drove around, found other schools in the area, talked to the instructors, had my son take trial classes and I went to the most popular one…last. I soon realized how important it is to trust ‘word of mouth’. The school everyone raved about was—hands down—the best one I found. Truly, a group of skilled, committed, and dedicated instructors who care more about having your child benefit from their training– than just signing on the dotted line. As a parent, I couldn’t be more impressed.
If The Karate Kid sparks an interest in our child about martial arts, I asked Enzo Aliotta, senior instructor and martial arts success coach at United Studios Martial Arts Academy (my son’s school) to fill you in on some common FAQ’s parents have. Aliotta started practicing the art of kempo in Holbrook NY at the age of 10 years old and he knows firsthand how our kids can benefit from this ancient sport/art.
What are some of the top things a kid could gain from karate?
First and foremost, children learn the value and benefit of respect. My Instructor Kyoshi Rich Spatola has always taught us that Martial Arts begins and ends with respect. We show respect when we enter and exit the school by bowing. Children also learn to say yes/no sir etc…
What do you tell parents their kids can learn from karate?
When a parent is looking to enroll their child into our school, we explain to them that the beginning of our program is geared toward a few things: #1. Life skills– A positive attitude, Proper behavior and good character. #2 Personal Safety and Awareness and #3. Physical training to combat today’s child obesity situations.
About bullying–it can be a big problem for kids. And it’s a great cause of concern for parents. How can martial arts help kids get the confidence they need to stand up for themselves and NOT be a target?
Very simply– by what we call PDR. PDR Stands for Practice, Drill and Rehearse. Children need to practice certain sayings over and over again. So when an issue occurs they know what to say. Example: if a bully grabs there wrist. The student will say “leave me alone.” Or if a stranger grabs a child, the child will say” you’re not my dad.” The more a child practices saying certain phrase’s the better off he or she will be when confronted.
Children need to learn what to say to a bully, when they are being picked on. I have handled this situation many times and I can say about 10 out of 10 times we have the solution to this issue. Children are not trained in school or at home how to handle this situation. We are our community experts in child safety and offer free bully seminars throughout Long Island.
What would you say is the biggest myth parents have about getting their kids involved in martial arts?
Many parents think it’s all about kicking and punching..We explain that our Philosophy is about courtesy, modesty, integrity, perseverance, indomitable spirit and self control.
Is there a common myth you’d like to debunk about martial arts?
Yes, Martial Arts for adults. Martial Arts is the fastest growing sport/art in the nation right now. Reason being is that it has a rich 1,500 year old history. What that means is the principles have stood the test of time and more people are finally becoming more open minded to a healthier, wealthier and more natural way of living. At United Studios we believe in leadership by example with energy for excellence. If more children see their parents being models of health and fitness, children will automatically follow.