(Long Island, N.Y.) Back-to-school is by far my favorite time of year! It also means back to our routine and crazy-hectic schedules. Even as my kids get older, I find it’s still so important to read with them before bed. It’s the best way to connect and unwind from a busy day.
There are a few books that have long been bedtime favorites. Karma Wilson’s Bear Snores On first engaged my little ‘listeners’ and as time went by, I watched the little light bulbs flicker, blink and then brightly shine on. Slowly, the words and thoughts were coming together-what an amazing thing to witness as a parent, and for that, Bear (and his faithful friends) will always hold a special place in my heart.
I caught up with Karma Wilson for a quickie chat about her success as a children’s author-and her latest, “Bear’s Loose Tooth“. Her books have received numerous state and national awards, been translated into dozens of languages, and a few have made an appearance on the New York Times bestseller list.
Kids of all ages seem to love “Bear”! How did you first come up with the idea for this quite likeable character?
I had avoided writing in rhyme and using talking animals for the first 3 years of my career. But I was personally drawn to those types of books when making purchasing decisions for my daycare and my own children. I decided to buck the trend, and write a rhyming talking animal book. Since I lived in the wilds of North Idaho a bear seemed like a natural protagonist for me to choose. He has grown more loveable and childlike with every book, and I am so glad I decided that rules were optional!
Were you a little surprised by your amazing success?
A little? I was more surprised than anybody! When my editor called to tell me that Bear Snores On had made the NYT bestsellers list, she asked if I was sitting down. I lied. As soon as she told me I slumped down into the chair, astounded and speechless!
I love how you have a Teacher’s Resource page on your site, with activity ideas, character introductions, etc.–do you get a lot of great feedback from that?
Teachers and parents alike seem to appreciate that section. I’m currently in a major reconstruction that will fix a few broken links and add a lot more activities and lesson plans. I also strongly encourage people to connect with me on my Facebook page.
I love social media and would like to expand my connection with schools, libraries and families on Facebook and eventually through my website.
So your latest book, “Bear’s Loose Tooth” is available in bookstores right now. How are your ‘little’ fans reacting to Bear losing a tooth (just like them!)?
So far reaction from my school visits has been ENORMOUSLY good. I’ve had whole auditoriums of 1st and 2nd graders shouting BEAR’S LOOSE TOOTH at the top of their lungs! They all seem to relate to the idea of the angst and excitement of losing that first tooth. I certainly remember it from childhood!
Ok, one last question. Can you give us any clue (or hint) what Bear might be up to next? Are you working on a new one already?
Bear is always up to something! The next installment of Bear will be fall themed and called Bear Says Thanks. It’s giving a nod to Thanksgiving while being broad enough to allow for year round read aloud. And it teaches manners without specifically beating kids over the head with the lesson. I’m really excited about it!