Long Island: carpet cleaning
This directory contains businesses located primarily within the areas of Nassau and Suffolk County.You may also find listings for nearby Brooklyn and Queens. To add a business click here.

A carpet cleaning service uses an air pumps, water, and chemicals to create a partial wet vacuum to suck up dust and dirt, usually from carpeted floors, but also from tiled floors. Carpet cleaners often apply carpet shampoo to return a carpet to near new condition.

Featured Business Listing In - Carpet Cleaning
Peter's Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
2455 Union Boulevard
Islip, New York 11751
Phone: (866) 713-3025
2455 Union Boulevard
Islip, New York 11751
Phone: (866) 713-3025
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Standard Business Listing In - Carpet Cleaning
Heaven's Carpet Cleaning -
118-21 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, New York 11375
Phone: (718) 669-5361