Long Island: dentist
This directory contains businesses located primarily within the areas of Nassau and Suffolk County.You may also find listings for nearby Brooklyn and Queens. To add a business click here.

A dentist is a doctor, qualified to practice dentistry after graduating with a degree of either Doctor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Dental Medicine, Bachelor of Dentistry, Bachelor of Dental Science, or Bachelor of Dental Surgery.

Featured Business Listing In - Dentist
2870 Hempstead Turnpike Suite 101
Levittown, New York 11756
Phone: (516) 579-7744
2870 Hempstead Turnpike Suite 101
Levittown, New York 11756
Phone: (516) 579-7744
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Standard Business Listing In - Dentist
William R Katz DDS -
488 Terryville Road Port Jefferson Station, New York 11776
Phone: (631) 473-5300 -
Zove Steven M DDS -
3400 Nesconset Highway Suite 109 East Setauket, New York 11733
Phone: (631) 751-6700