Have you had trouble focusing lately because you feel overwhelmed? A lot of times we tend to get overwhelmed in our day to day lives, which can cause us to lose focus, and be of track. This may be due to us taking on too much. This is the perfect time to take a moment for you, and re-evaluate your life priorities. The magic number is three. Three is the preferred number of priorities we should be focused on in life, but definitely no more than five. Take a moment for yourself and spend that time determining your most valuable priorities at this time; what deserves your attention and time? Start by narrowing down what’s in your life at this point, sometimes something may have to be cast aside temporarily, or even permanently. This is the hardest step for most people because they don’t want to feel that
1.They can’t do it all
2. They have to give something up or quit
Just keep in mind that you can not be productive and make any headway if you’re scattered in too many directions. It is not because you can’t do it, and it’s not because you’re incompetent. It is because realistically, we all need to give quality focus to our priorities in order for our life to productively progress.
Next step is to devote a set aside time for all of your priorities, and to not let anything else get in the way of that set aside time! When I was younger, there came a point when I was going to college and working full time all at once. I figured I could pull it off, and told myself that during my work breaks (totaling two hours because my job was not that demanding time wise), I could do my homework and be OK. Unfortunately, when I got to my break, all I could think about doing was taking a break! This arrangement didn’t work because my school work began to suffer, and soon, something had to be give. I had to re-evaluate my priorities. I switched my work hours to part time, and after a few months, I stopped working all together to focus on school. I had to decide which priority was tops. Despite missing the extra money in my pockets, my education was more important.
Last but not least, make a conscious effort to focus on that priority ONLY, during the time you set aside for it. Deter any distractions, and see how you start to feel more focused, alert, and back on track.
Like I always say, “Feeling overwhelmed? DOWNSIZE!!”