(Long Island, N.Y.) Confession: I’ve witnessed first hand things that go bump in the night. Not in my present house (thank goodness) but as a kid I was convinced I heard a group of men chattering in our kitchen while everyone slept. Funny thing is–I wasn’t the only one in our house who heard rumbling downstairs in the darkness. It wasn’t rattling chains or bellowing “boos” I heard. Rather, it just sounded like hoarse whispers–like a group of old men chatting over a cup of coffee. Even once I got older (and wiser) I still believed that house was haunted. Boy was I glad we got out of there by the time I was in the third grade.
Sure, I was spooked by the thought, but do haunted houses really exist? I asked the creator of www.HauntedRealEstate.com, Mary Pope-Handy to weigh in.
While the site does not look spooky at all, it is focused on all things haunted and you are treated to some fascinated reading about haunted hotels, ghost tours, etc. She tackles hauntings from a unique perspective. As a second generation realtor working full time–she’s in and out of houses a great deal. In fact, a realtor is a great (and credible) source to ask about this topic. She writes:
Realtors can tell you that often when they go into a home, they pick up on that property’s energy. I don’t want to sound too “out there”, but if a sensitive, seasoned agent (one who’s been in a lot of homes) walks into a home where there’s been a divorce, for instance, a lot of times he or she can pick up on it. Maybe it’s something about the lack of clothing (the half empty closet) or some missing furniture…or maybe it’s something else? The sadness can hang heavily in the air. It’s not measurable, but it’s there.
Once a friend of mine and I walked into a home that just “felt creepy”. There was a coldness to the house, we couldn’t put our fingers on it but we agreed something really bad had to have happened there. Turns out there’d been a murder in that home not long before. That’s what I mean, a place can just feel different – sometimes downright creepy.
So, in the spirit of Halloween, I asked Mary Pope-Handy a few ghostly questions:
Haunted houses….yikes…do they really exist?
They seem to! There are so many reports over the centuries, all over the world. Hard to dispute that a lot of folks have seen, heard or felt “something”.
When was the first time you experienced a haunting for your very own eyes?
Never! I have never “seen a ghost”. (I have experienced other phenomena that indicate a haunting, though.)
What are some signs that a house is haunted?
Smells, temp changes, electrical disturbances, strange winds with no source, things moving and reappearing, that “sense that you’re being watched”. Ordinarily it’s limited to lights and other electrical items going on & off, the sounds of doors or windows opening & closing, footsteps, or an occasional spotting out of one’s peripheral vision or sense of a “cold spot” in the home.
What’s the craziest, scariest or most spooky ghost story you’ve ever heard (or experienced)?
There have been a few! One friend of mine had a ghost go through his open house (you can read about it on my haunted real estate blog ). And a Realtor friend of mine was showing a vacant, empty house to a client when she heard snarling and barking dogs as they went up the stairs.
When did your fascination with haunted houses begin?
It started after an experience I had with a moving cold spot – but I didn’t know what it was at the time. My family and I were at a restaurant for brunch when I felt what seemed like a block of ice go behind me. It was very distinct but there was no explanation for it. A few months later I read that the place was haunted and that one of the symptoms was a “moving cold spot”. I was fascinated, and I was sold! Other things have happened since then, but that was the beginning for me.
What one of your most frequently asked questions?
People sometimes wonder what to do if you do have a ghost who can help to clear a house, but sometimes if you just “talk to the ghosts” and tell them to leave that can do the trick. Also, not all sightings are earthbound ghosts. Sometimes folks who have “crossed over” return to help or lend comfort. The earthbound ghosts (as opposed to visiting spirits) are usually unhappy, sad, lost, confused. The “visitors” are happy and calm, and are here to help. Also sometimes what people experience are neither of these two but simply an imprint. The imprint is not a personal being but is just an impression on a place of something that happened before.