News: Long Island Father Delivers Baby in SUV
(Long Island, N.Y.) A thirty-three-year old Selden man delivered his daughter in an SUV with the aid of an emergency dispatcher on the phone. The couple was about five miles from Stony Brook University Medical Center when his wife yelled that she was having the baby.
She began feeling her first contractions at five that morning and sources claimed that she mistook them for indigestion. The father put the couple’s older son on a school bus at around 8:15, during which the mother’s water broke. She called the hospital, assumed she had plenty of time, and packed her bags for what she expected to be a long wait.
The wife, despite being a nurse in an intensive care unit, stated she was not prepared for the delivery in any way. The husband, who also has a medical background, said that he didn’t know anything about how to deliver a child.
Sources stated that after realizing they were not going to make it to the hospital, the couple looked for a place to park. The soon-to-be-father decided to pull into a parking lot of the Hawkins Path Elementary School and walked around to the other side of the vehicle. He called 911 at 8:33am, and the dispatcher walked him through the birth until the baby was safely delivered.
The baby was almost completely outside the birth canal when the husband began assisting in the birth. After the delivery, the dispatcher instructed him to clear the baby’s airway and the startled newborn immediately began crying. The dispatcher also instructed the father to tie off the umbilical cord via shoelace, which served as a makeshift string.
Firefighters arrived and used a clamp on the umbilical cord, which was cut while they attempted to pacify the child. Reports stated that the veteran dispatcher had observed more emergency births in his twenty-eight-year-career than he could recall. The dispatcher praised the new father for remaining calm through the procedure, claiming that he followed instructions perfectly.
The father stated that when he first pulled into the parking lot he was in a state of panic. Reports also stated that the mother gave birth seven years ago, prior to which the labor lasted for nearly ten hours. The mother of the infant didn’t expect a speedy delivery, claiming it was surreal and that she was still in shock about the birth circumstances.