(Long Island, N.Y.) Well, after 14 years, 7 novels, 8 movies, and tons and tons and tons of merchandise, it’s all over. Yup, with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, the cinematic adaptations of British author (and richest woman in the universe) J.K. Rowling‘s much-beloved epic fantasy books come to an end. I for one have enjoyed this series and watching its young stars grow and change over the passage of time. Thank goodness the leads have remained fairly consistent-looking as they’ve aged, as some of the actors playing secondary characters appear to have been exposed to toxic waste and have mutated severely over the years. It ain’t pretty.
But while no other series can boast of its stars ascending from childhood to full-grown adults over its history, there’s more to the Harry
Potter movies than that novelty. The movies have displayed heart, personality, and imagination. Granted, none of them are perfect- certain directors of certain installments have done better jobs than others, and having read the books beforehand (which I never have…I always tell myself I’ll start after watching one of these movies, but I never do) often helps you to understand the plot threads and characters that pop in and out, much more so than series newbies like myself could comprehend. But hey, I’ve still had a blast.
For one
of my many side reporting gigs, I had to go and interview people waiting on line for the midnight showing of Deathly Hallows Part 2…people in wizard robes, holding wands, stuffed owls, stuff like that…all of whom were moved by the end of their series, some even to tears. I’m not like
that. I think the last time I’ve even bothered to go to a midnight opening of a movie was for Terminator Salvation, and I’ve certainly come to regret that, I’m telling ya. But, with the end of the Harry Potter series, I suppose I do feel a small sense of loss, as one always does when they lose something they enjoy.
I think in one of my reviews for a previous Harry Potter movie, I did a vast recap of the ongoing storyline to clue in socially malformed people who might have had no idea who or what a Harry Potter was, but this time…no. If you’re joining in this late in the game, just stop reading and go to the video store (are there any left standing these days?) and start renting the Potter DVD backlog. You’ll get no help here, other than this: Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is a boy wizard attending a magic school called Hogwarts. Harry has street cred because he’s the only known survivor of an attack by an evil wizard called Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), which makes his fellow students view him like people used to view 50 Cent when they heard he’d been shot, like, 9 times and lived. After years of absence, Voldemort’s back, he’s bad, and Harry and his friends Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) ended the last movie (Deathly Hallows Part 1) looking for little household trinkets that Voldemort had hidden fragments of his soul inside so he could become immortal. Once these “Horcruxes” are destroyed, Voldey becomes mortal again, at which point Harry plans on capping the evil dude once and for all.
Part 1 ended with things at their bleakest for our heroes, and as Part 2 opens, things are bleaker still; while Harry is learning that the Horcruxes are hard to find and even harder to destroy, Voldemort, aided by his vile Death Eaters, is busy attacking Hogwart’s in a bid to wipe out all who oppose him. All this leads to the final showdown that’s been brewing since 2001’s Sorcerer’s Stone: Harry Vs. Voldemort, no holds barred! But will Harry have discovered all of the Horcruxes by then (including a surprise Horcrux!), or will his battle be doomed from the outset?
Wonderfully acted by a delightful ensemble cast, and enhanced by lush sets, skillful cinematography, and top-notch effects, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 brings closure to a series that has touched the hearts of millions. Okay, that was a pretty cornball statement, and I tried to avoid saying it, but it’s true, so whatever.
The epic storyline is neatly wrapped up: there’s heartbreak, shocking deaths, twists, turns, excitement, and gobs of emotion. It’s really a wonderful movie, and the only complaint I could level at it is that there’s so much going on at once, so many characters fighting for screen time, that some of them kinda get the short end of the stick. Certain things are glossed over (prime example: Alan Rickman‘s Severus Snape character had a wonderful story that I would have loved to have seen more of) in favor of keeping the action focused squarely on Harry, and while I feel this was the right decision for the most part, at times I would have liked to have seen more of the others at work. But overall, this is a minor complaint, and one barely even worth making. As a whole, Deathly Hallows Part 2 delivers.
Oh, and let’s not forget about Harry’s love interest, Ginny Weasley (Bonnie Wright). Oh, wait, we CAN forget about her…the screenwriters certainly did, as she is easily the most under-developed character in cinematic history. She has no lines, no personality, no defining traits, no character development, does nothing of any importance throughout the entire series, and yet Harry still falls for this vapid nobody. In a series that otherwise
felt so well thought-out, it’s weird that such an important character seemed to have gotten the shaft. I can only assume Ginny Weasley wasn’t the equivalent of navel lint in the books, at least.
So, if
you’ve been waiting for the Harry Potter series to go out with a bang, it certainly has. And if you’ve new to the party (there has to be somebody, right? Right?), start renting those DVDs before heading out to the theater. I actually kind of envy you in that respect, as an 8-movie Potter marathon would actually be a pretty cool thing to do.
Maybe I’ll give it a try…I can’t think of a better series to do it with.