(Long Island, NY) A Farmingdale man was recently arrested for impersonating a police officer. When I first heard this story, I stopped my good friend Jena in the middle of the story so I could understand more clearly. “What do you mean, ‘impersonating?’” I asked. “Did the cops bust somebody for doing a bad impression of some flatfoot’s VOICE?”
She HAD to know I was kidding, but it didn’t stem the rising tide of anger in her voice. She started getting a bit nutty, ranting about morons and dingbats. I tried to get another word in edgewise, but she kept repeating the same phrase over and over; “Do you want FRIES with that?”
I was seriously concerned about the mental health of my friend. Jena is far too pretty to be locked up in an institution. I would have to take care of her myself. Building a padded room in the garage would be no trouble at all, but convincing her to wear a French maid’s outfit would be impossible if she were truly off her rocker. Besides which, she’s a friend and I have a strict no-funny-business policy with my friends, no matter how model-pretty they might be. I tried to steer us back on track, find out what was really bothering her.
“The guy who got arrested for impersonating an officer? What is making you so damn angry about his story?” I said. I was proud that it came out without a hint of worry.
“What really makes me crazy,” she said, “ is the REASON he was impersonating an officer.” I raised an eyebrow at her. Now we were getting somewhere. “Tell me why, love.”
She explained her view on crime. “If you are going to steal, it’s better to go for a million bucks. Something you can enjoy even if you have to go to jail first. Are you with me?”
I nodded, but still couldn’t see where it was all headed. I told her so.
“Where is it GOING? I’ll tell you where. That moron…”
I interrupted her. “Alleged moron, dear. We have to wait til the courts make it official.”
“All right, all right! The ALLEGED moron impersonated an officer so he could get into somebody’s house.” She looked at me like I would suddenly understand and start laughing along with her. “Don’t you get it? He was LOOKING for something, right? He wanted to steal something, so he knocked on the door and told the people at home that he was coming in to do a search.”
Well, it’s a bit unconventional for a robbery tactic in Farmingdale, but OK.
“So he gets inside and tears the place apart, and finds nothing. He told the people in the house that he wanted their stash.”
I played dumb, just to mess with her. “You mean like a box of Oreos you don’t want the wife to find?”
Jena made like she was going to slap me in the face, and made a big deal out of the fact that our fake cop was looking for dope. “He was just after the drugs! He didn’t get any money, he didn’t steal the teevee, he just wanted to GET HIGH!”
At this moment, she broke into the kind of crazy laughter that tells you everything is going to be all right. She was in hysterics over this idiot bogus cop. Me, I don’t get what’s so funny about it, aside from the fact that he was charged with second-degree burglary and first-degree phony cop. Jena says he should be charged with impersonating someone with a brain.
Of course, later on when I had time to think about it, I could see what probably set her off in the first place. Long Island has no shortage of politicians on the take, but nobody is arresting them for impersonating a decent elected official. Along comes John Q. Dope Fiend, just trying to do his part in getting drugs off the streets (by taking them in a helluva hurry), and he gets tossed in the slammer like a common apple thief. For shame!
And to think that former Islip Supervisor Pete McGowan was found guilty…of ANYTHING.
Oh, is THAT where this was going? Sorry folks, that is what we call “beating a dead horse”. Of course, in this day and age, we’ll have to come up with a more animal friendly metaphor lest we offend anyone’s sense of decency. Let’s call it flogging a soggy tofutti. Whatever the name, I think I’ve given McGowan the business long enough here. As far as the police impersonator goes? Somebody, maybe his lawyer, should advise him to save those kinds of games for Halloween, when EVERYBODY is a policeman, a construction worker, a French maid…
But that leads me back to my friend Jena, and we can’t be thinking about that again so soon, now, can we? This year she should dress up as a cop. It would be good for a laugh, and I could stop thinking bad thoughts.