Just thought I would talk about how we can all improve our relationships with our significant other, and as usual, I like to give you things you can start to do right away! I have included something for all scenarios; re-establishing affection, crisis intervention, and setting off a spark. Try these simple and effective approaches, and watch how they can improve and spice up your relationship.
•Start using that “pet name” again; you know… the one you used to use! You may have stopped using pet names for each other because you started to feel they were corny, or maybe because you have gotten so comfortable in your relationship, that you both felt they are no longer necessary. All the more reason to bring them back! Sometimes, just hearing it once in a while can make you smile inside and feel good. It even helps when you want to say something that you think the other may not like so much, it takes the sting away a little. Pet names can express your utmost sincerity, in almost any situation; especially after a “thank you,” “please,” or “I love you.” You will be amazed how such a little thing can help to bring you two closer again. And if you think pet names are too corny, pick one that isn’t. “Hun” and “Babe” seem to be favorites amongst couples, particularly guys.
•Avoid an argument by staying in your “calm voice.” You ever notice how during a disagreement, you both seem to get louder and louder at each other, mainly because you feel that you are not being heard. We try to force our words on each other, which as you know, does not help at all. Try using a calm, caring approach when discussing unfavorable subjects. And if your partner starts to get loud, let them know in a reassuring and calm way that you would like to discuss it in a calm matter which will lead to a more productive resolution. You may have to say this several times, but eventually, they will get the hang of it. If your partner is insistent on yelling or screaming, let them know that you don’t want to discuss it in anger, and you would like to discuss it at a later time when they are calm. After that walk away, and give your partner time to cool off and regroup.
•Distance makes the heart grow fonder. This is perfect for those couples who have been in long-term relationships and almost always seem to be together. Girls, head out with a girlfriend for the day, or guys, have yourself a “guys day” out. Maybe one of you can visit your relatives for the day. If you have kids, arrange for a babysitter for when you get home, I guarantee when you come home (and kids are gone), your partner will show some sign of missing you, and hopefully, it will lead to some “I missed you” quality time after dark!
•When was the last time you two “made out?” Do you remember your first kiss with your partner? How about all of those “make out sessions” you used to have… for hours on end! Well… “Making out” is “making” a comeback! There is no subtle way to tell you this, so here it goes;
1.Take a breath mint.
2. Take your partner in your arms
3. Start with a long, closed mouth kiss
4. Progress to a passionate, no holds bard, I am going for it, kiss!
5. Don’t let them up for air until at least 25- 30 seconds has gone by
6. Repeat this process from step 2.
I love doing this, it puts a smile on my wife’s face every time, and I enjoy seeing that smile.
So what other ways can you think of to improve these areas of your relationships? There are so many endless tools, just tap into your creative side. And just remember… communicating does not only involve talking, it involves listening! Try asking each other what you want more of, and by all means… give it!! What counts most is that you make each other happy.