Here is my definition of Reality…
REALITY: Our current perception and analysis of that perception
What are we talking about reality for? Well, whenever we are presented with a task, decision, challenge, or any situation, we tend to base how we will proceed on our perception of the situation. We analyze that perception and base our reaction to it. For example; let’s say that you are driving and some maniac decides to cut you off and speed like a demon out of hell! You are probably telling yourself, (from your perceptions or reality), that he or she is an inconsiderate *&^%$ (that’s putting it lightly!) But what if that “crazy driver” just found out that someone close to them was just admitted into the hospital because of a fatal car accident? Does that change your perception (your perceived reality)? It sure does.
Well this same “perceived reality” also can effect any and all important decisions in your life. For example, let’s say you see the perfect job in the paper; “looking for Financial Executive Officer Assistant, must have Masters in related field.” Perhaps you are working on your Masters and don’t quite have it yet, and even though everything else about the job is perfect for you, you turn away from it without giving it a second glance. But what if the reality of it was that the employer actually runs a very small business, and is really just looking for someone who could do the job? The employer probably just put that in there because someone told them it would bring more qualified applicants, but all the while the employer really doesn’t care. You see what I am getting at? Sometimes when we really want something, we have to actively practice challenging our reality (our perceptions of reality). Challenging your reality requires you to challenge your beliefs and your (perceived) limitations. Practice this from now on when you set out to accomplish something; challenge your reality. You will be amazed at how much more opportunity shows up, and just how much more real… your dreams are to achieve!