If you’re like me, you are constantly trying to balance your fast paced life with eating healthy and right. It is difficult to eat the right foods when you have no time to prepare, and everywhere you turn you are tempted by fast food restaurants. I have compiled a few key elements to keep in mind before you go for that next super sized triple burger meal.
•Start to think of food as fuel for your body, as opposed to a “fix.” Sometimes simply changing our association to food and how we think of it can help us to make healthier choices.
•Consider getting all of your food groups in, and I don’t mean cheese, vegetables, meat, and grains spell Big Mac! Remember your fruits (apples, oranges, blueberries, bananas, or a delicious mango!). Make sure to include your vegetables (a salad with lunch, or peas and a potato with dinner). The morning is a great time for grains and dairy (oatmeal, cereal, a cup of yogurt, a glass of milk, or a serving of eggs).
•Keep a conscious eye on limiting your sugar and salt intake. High cholesterol and rotten teeth are not something you want to contend with in your future. Oh, and pay close attention to your caffeine intake as well, it may give you energy in the beginning, but your in for a dip in the later afternoon, which will lead to you wanting more coffee. Coffee addiction is an expensive habit, not worth it!
•When thinking snacks, think crackers, fruits, yogurt, nuts, and veggies and dip. It would be best to just snack on baby carrots by themselves, but I know that a majority of you prefer to dip those baby carrots into some ranch or French dip. Just keep the dip usage to a minimum, and I am specifically speaking to those who are dip loaders!
•Decrease the soda and sugary drinks, and increase your water and natural fruit juice intake. I truly recommend this step, because not only is it healthier for you in the long run, but if you have kids, you will be passing on a good habit.
One last thing, if you have no choice but to eat fast food, did you know that most fast food restaurants have nutritional value information about there foods? I advice you to pick one up at any fast food joint you go too or favor, it will make it easier to decide on a healthier alternative to what you usually get.
Bon appetite!