What a wonderful time of year… the roses will be in bloom, weather is warming up; it is as if the world is being reborn. With this feeling of “newness” affecting everyone’s moods, I thought it be necessary to talk a little about getting rid of the old, to make way for the new. A few pointers to starting this spring off refreshed and renewed is definitely in order, so let’s get to it with “The Spring Cleaning System”:
•If you want to clear things out, but are having sentimental issues getting rid of things, consider how long it has been since you paid attention to those particular things. You will split these things into 3 piles; The “Keepin’ It” pile, the “Questionable” pile, and the “Trash It” pile.
• Is it something you only use once or twice a year? Is it of high sentimental value or a family air loom? If so, you might lean towards keeping it. Remember that keeping it means you are going to KEEP IT! If you are not 100% sure, put it in the “Questionable” pile.
• Is it something you haven’t thought about or used in 1½ to 2 years? Does it come in handy in a very rare instance? Then you might want to put it into the “Questionable” pile. Keep in mind that you will only be able to keep ½ of what is in the “Questionable” pile. The other ½ must go!!
•Is it something, you totally forgot you had? Is it something that has tagged along all of this time, yet you never had a use for it? You guessed it… “Trash” pile. This pile is a pile you will get rid of indefinitely!
That’s it! Follow this simple and easy formula and watch the clutter melt away until you have a more open, spacious, and cleansed environment. And for those of you who are too sentimental to get rid of anything… try enlisting a friend who you will designate to actually throw everything away without you “seeing it” being done. Also know that the object is to clean and de-clutter! You just have to learn to let go of some things… it unfortunately is one of the laws of life. Happy Cleansing!!