(Long Island, N.Y.) It’s the most wonderful time of the year–but not for everybody. There’s tons of stress, pressure and running around from store to store/house to house, you might have forgotten one very big thing: Yourself. Yep, it’s very important to keep your emotional health in check. ‘Tis the season to be jolly but if you’re not—there really is terrific help out there.
The Suffolk County Psychological Association is producing Audio Podcasts to provide the public with access to the extensive skills, knowledge and abilities of local psychologists. Psychologists will be interviewed in their various areas of expertise, to educate the public about the field of mental health. This program is part of the Suffolk County Psychological Associations Public Education Campaign.
I recently asked Peter S. Kanaris, Ph.D., Public Education Coordinator of the Suffolk County Psychological Association, a few questions about the new Podcast series.
Long Island Exchange: Can you tell me briefly about your expertise and connection to The Suffolk County Psychological Association?
Kanaris: I am a Psychologist in Practice since 1981. My office is in Smithtown. I specialize in relationship and sex therapy. I also have a specialty in geriatrics. My passion has been in educating the public about the value of psychology especially through the use of the media. In this regard, I have served as the Coordinator for Public Education for Suffolk County Psychological Association since 1997.
I began serving in this capacity for the New York State Psychological Association at the start of 2006. In Suffolk we have run many successful community projects including Anti-Violence Initiative Day held yearly in many Long Island Schools. Our psychologists have given hundreds of interviews on featured topics and breaking news on TV and radio and in newspapers, magazines and the internet.
Your podcast series sounds amazing. What a great thing for Long Island residents. Can you tell me a little about what listeners can expect?
We will be regularly producing podcast shows called Psyched Up on a wide range of topics in mental health featuring our local expert psychologists. In addition to the one on Holiday Blues, we have shows on ADHD, Bipolar Disorder and Eating Disorders in development.
In the up coming year our focus will include Mind Body Health which emphasizes the important role that psychology and behavior plays not only in mental health but physical health as well. Dr. Richard Lustberg and Dr. Howard Gurr are the creative talents behind the production. They are not only accomplished psychologists, but along with me will be hosting the programs.
Your first (and current) Podcast released December 15th, addresses the many psychological and emotional issues associated with the holidays. Do you think during the rush of the holiday season, many people don’t take time to care for their emotional health?
During the Holidays the level of stress on people goes through the roof. Pressures of money, family, time demands and expectations can dominate the season. As a result it is common for us to neglect our emotional and physical health. Stress is an important health issue for everyone to take note of. Identifying healthy strategies for managing stress is critical to mind/body health..
My suggestion is for people to pay attention to what causes their stress and to find healthy ways of managing it. Everyone responds to their stress in some way. The key is handling stress in a manner that doesn’t make things worse.
I understand the public will be invited to submit their requests for specific shows and topics. How can we do this?
Just go to our website at www.suffolkpsych.org and click on the Suggest a Podcast Topic button.This will allow you to e-mail your request. You can also subscribe to the podcast series while you are there.
Again, it’s a great service to the public. Is it free? How do I get started?
The Podcasts are a free public service of Suffolk County Psychological Association.It is not meant as treatment, but rather education about the connection between mental and physical health. Again, to get started just go to www.suffolkpsych.org and click on the Podcast button to download the latest installment of Psyched Up.