I felt compelled to write about something I make sure to do every once in a while… re-evaluate any significant changes in my life, and solidify there purpose. You see, when we are going through significant change, which causes the direction of our life to change, we begin to question those changes, mostly because it is not what we are used to. The security we’ve come to know has been lost. Dealing with this loss of security and comfort is harder for some more than others. However, change for everyone is not easy. When I start to feel lost (so to speak), I specifically put aside time to ponder these changes, and remind myself why they are present in the first place. By getting caught up in your new changes routine, and not keeping in mind the big picture, we start to feel lost, directionless, and disconnected.
By taking “uninterruptible time” to think of why the new changes are in my life in the first place, I can only then start to feel more comfortable and confident with those changes. I start to feel balanced again. There is a purpose for those changes and that leads to the meaning. Change is scary! It is no easy process to muddle through… and sometimes, we can’t quite remember how we even made it through in the first place! But take some time… some “uninterruptible time.”
Use this time to remind yourself of what’s important in your life, and why the changes in your life are present… the meaning. Remind yourself of the purpose and meaning. This will help you to keep yourself balanced while walking down the unknown and scary path we call change.