Best Long Island Networking Events for Women (and Men, Too!)
(Long Island, N.Y.) Looking to make local connections to grow your business? As a freelance writer, there are days when I barely venture outside my home office in the upper half of my North Babylon cape. It’s cozy here, and I find myself more productive than I’ve ever been in any magazine office. (Or when I used to work in my living room). Most of my client leads and magazine writing assignments come from word-of-mouth and Internet marketing. (Now there’s a surprise, right?)
But when I decide to venture outside my home, I find that Long Island offers a wealth of networking opportunities for small-to-medium size business owners. I’m focusing on networking organizations that are run by women or specifically women, simply because women have, stereotypically, not pursued these type of events. Things have changed today, but in my parents’ generation, men dominated organizations like the Rotary and Kiwanis clubs. It’s important to note that both men and women will find plenty of value with these top Long Island networking organizations.
Long Island Way:
( I first met Long Island Way Founder Donna Cariello at a fundraising dinner last year and was immediately impressed by her passion and professionalism. Long Island Way hosts “speed networking” events, which includes only one representative from each profession. (For instance, only one real estate agent, one writer, one Avon representative, etc. may attend). This is a great way to share your pitch and get your name out to a lot of prospects and make connections outside your own industry.
Even more important, though, is the Long Island Way’s philanthropic mission, which is “making a difference through the spirit of giving.” The organization’s objective is to match non-profits and established businesses to form mutually beneficial relationships. If you’re all about giving back, you’ll find a way with Long Island Way.
Long Island Webgrrls:
(, run by Ellen DePasquale, The Software Revitalist™ and founder of Efficient Office Computing, is the local chapter of the international organization known as the “women’s tech knowledge connection.” Don’t let the name fool you, though. Even if you can’t tell a “tweet” from a sweettart, and your idea of technical-savvy is paying someone else to update your Blogger site, you’ll benefit from these monthly meetings. In fact, they could be just what you need to help you master the Web and make great local connections with other SMB owners. Webgrrls is described as “an online and offline networking organization of professional business women focused on propelling their careers and businesses forward.” Sound like something you’d enjoy?
Lion’s Club:
( It was a few years ago at a fundraising dinner that the head of one of Long Island’s many Lion’s Clubs told me the organization is making a marketing push to attract more women. Before we spoke, I didn’t know that. I also didn’t know that the Lion’s Club International Foundation is the largest service club organization in the world, with 1.3 million members and 45,000 clubs. Check their website to find the Long Island chapter closest to you, and see the difference it can make in your community and your business.