(Long Island, N.Y.) Let’s face it—times are tough these days. But for the month of March, I’m turning a blind eye to the depressing economic down-turn, and will be shining the spotlight on three women (moms) that successfully run their own business.
The point is: Get inspired. Follow your heart.
First up, Precious Parcels. This online shop offers a unique selection of handmade personalized gifts and decorations. Room plaques, personalized plaques, wedding favors and more. Precious Parcels is based in Nottingham, England.
It’s a long way from Long Island, but my very own ‘precious parcel’ (a beautiful plaque I hang in my office) arrived quickly—all safe and sound, in attractive packaging. If you’re looking for a great gift for Easter or Mothers Day, you might want to check out their online shop—simply beautiful!
I recently asked owner, Natalie, to shed some light on what it takes to run her own business.
I’m always in awe of people who have a great idea and take the steps to act on their dreams. Can you tell me a little about how you came up with idea for Precious Parcels?
Natalie: When my little boy was just over a year old I realized I actually had time to take up a new hobby. I’ve always been creative and I wanted to brighten up George’s nursery at the same time, so I decided to make a few wooden plaques.
At this point, the business wasn’t even a thought, I simply had the desire to be creative, have a little “me time” and make a few decorative items for our home. I sourced the materials and came up with a few different designs. My family thought they were beautiful and suggested I list them on EBay to see if they would sell. Much to my surprise and delight they were very popular and I sold around 300 items in the first five weeks.
This unexpected demand for my work soon made me realize there was a real opportunity here for me to set up in business. I’d bought the domain PreciousParcels.co.uk around seven years ago when I’d first been taught some web design. I had a half-hearted attempt at an online shop back then but just didn’t have the time to make anything of it and I decided not to renew it. I always loved that domain and I was tinkled pink to see it still available last year. Precious Parcels was re-born!
What were some of the biggest challenges at first?
Natalie: With no budget behind me at all, every common business process became a challenge…. setting up the website, finding workspace, advertising and buying materials.
I’d been taught a little bit of web design some years back when I worked for a software company and although I wasn’t a qualified designer I knew I could design and implement the site myself with a little patience. Not to mention the money I’d save! I started a business plan and within a few days I was already designing the Precious Parcels website.
Where to work? I was a full time mummy and George was my number one priority, so I knew that I had to fit this new venture in around him. When I’d began making the plaques, I had a small box of paints, ribbons, blank plaques etc and it was all neatly tucked away in a kitchen cupboard.
As we were yet to find a ‘magic expanding kitchen cupboard, that wasn’t going to work anymore! So when we moved house we designated an area that we now call “Nat’s workshop” or as Carl jokingly calls it “George’s Empire!” I have shelf upon shelf of wooden shapes, paints, embellishments and ribbons galore! A large workshop bench, boxes and boxes of samples, a separate dispatch bench for wrapping, packing and labeling and of course, my “thinking desk” for the pc and all my paperwork.
Then for the advertising. Was it possible to increase sales without a budget? Once I’d realized the business opportunity I started to include compliment slips with every order I sent out “Exciting new Precious Parcels website coming soon!” with the web address on. That proved to be a great move and one by one my very first customers began to return when the site was up and running. All my items have a Precious Parcels label on them and many of the gift recipients want to see what else is available.
I’ve registered on numerous free business directories and networking forums and rarely miss an opportunity to mention my website. I’ve set up Social networking pages which allow me to send updates to fans. Friends of fans often take a look and so on. I also got in touch with a local Newspaper who was keen to publish an article for me. It was my first editorial and they titled it “Mum’s new business booms” which still makes me smile.
When I began making the plaques I wasn’t prudent about the pricing of materials. I had no idea where it was leading so I didn’t think twice about paying retail prices. Things were different now and I knew I needed to find a wholesaler. I managed to find a local supplier who agreed to sell to me at trade prices and with it being so close to home I’d save on postage too.
Everything came together and I had actually shocked myself by what I had achieved in such a short space of time and with no budget.
Your family and friends–were they all supportive? Can you share a little about the support you have received?
Natalie: Everyone has been fantastic. From friends recommending my work to others to my dad helping me set up the workshop. I owe a lot to them. Carl, George’s daddy has been a star. He works long hours Monday to Friday as a sales manager and will happily take over parenting duties the second he walks in from work and at weekends to allow me to get things done.
My mum is the one I call “The Watchman!” she never fails to spot a typo on my website or a shade of paint I’m running low on. She also has her own full time job butmanages to proof read all my new content and offers her opinion on new products. So to say they have all been supportive would be an understatement.
Tell me about “home” for you.
Natalie: I live in Nottingham, England. I’m about 4 miles out of the city centre. It’s a lovely area and I cherish the view out of my workshop window every day. A few houses, fields and usually a fox or a few squirrels.
Despite being located in England, I’ve recently started shipping worldwide and I’ve tried to keep the international shipping rate reasonable as I’ve had some great feedback from friends overseas and it would be a shame if I couldn’t supply to them.
Tough times… are everywhere. What advice would you give to others in a similar situation?
Natalie: I would advise everyone to consider all the free advertising opportunities out there before spending anything. What have you got to lose? See how much new business you can generate by not spending a penny, or dime. You might be pleasantly surprised.
I now aim to encourage more mums to pursue their ideas. I initially questioned if it would be impossible to run a business and look after a little one but the combination is fantastic.
There is so much information and support out there for anyone who is unsure how to go ahead with their venture. There are a number of business forums and free “mumpreneurs” resources, which have answers to just about anything you would need to know, from registering as self-employed to implementing shipping costs on your website. They’ve been a great help to me and I’ve also made some great friends along the way.
Juggling family life with a small business certainly isn’t everyone’s thing but for me it’s ideal. My days now are challenging, creative, eventful and most important for me… full of George’s new achievements.
For gorgeous handmade gifts & decorative treats (shipping worldwide), check out: www.preciousparcels.co.uk