Hey, New Yorkers: You’ve GOT to tune in to American Gladiators this Monday night (July 14th at 8 PM on NBC) to root on one of our own.
(Long Island, N.Y.) This.. is… Anthony Pagnotta, a NYPD detective and Farmingdale native who will take on Titan and company. I had the chance to ask Anthony a few questions about what it was like to partake in the greatness that is American Gladiators. (Can you tell I’m a fan!) My daughter flexes in the mirror like she’s CRUSH but that’s besides the point! On with the questions:
You’re used to going head to head with the thugs of NYC. How does that compare to the challenge of facing the American Gladiators?
Going against the criminals in NYC, you definitely have to be aware of the unexpected and be on your guard at all times. Just like going up against the Gladiators. The difference is when your in the streets and it comes down to using physical force, you are fighting for your life not competing in a competition. Then again the average criminal is not 6’9” 300 lbs.
What made you decide to try out for the show? tell me about what that was like and what the reaction was from your family, friends and coworkers?
Since I was younger I loved to watch American Gladiators and always wanted to compete on the show. The problem was I was a skinny kid that really never worked out. Then I began to hit the gym and gain a little weight, but the show went off the air. In January the show came back and sitting on my couch I said to myself “I can do this” ( just like all of America) . I thought I would have time to really train and get into cardio shape, but I checked the website and found out the tryouts were being held in 2 weeks for the next season. At that time I decided to go for it. I told my family, friends and coworkers that I was going to tryout. The first reaction from my coworkers was laughter and jokes. One of my co-workers said: “I didn’t know they make baggie spandex”. My family on the other hand was nervous about me going to tryout. They didn’t want me to get injured, but they supported me in what I wanted to do.. My girlfriend Shellon supported me from the beginning and motivated me through out the show. The tryout was on a cold and rainy Saturday in February. I stood online outside Crunch Fitness gym in NYC for over 10 hours. I was Cold and stiff as a board. I did the physical tryout. Which consisted of pull ups, sprints and other physically activities and then proceeded directly into a short interview process. After that it was just a waiting game to be called back.
Who will we see in the arena rooting you on?
I would’ve loved to have my entire family and friends in the audience, but because the show is in L.A that will not be possible. But my cousin John and his family, my parents Louis and Caroline Pagnotta will also be there along with the love of my life Shellon.
What was it like training for the show? What did you do to prepare?
To train for the show I tried to do as much cardio as I could in the time that I had. I normally do weight training especially on my upper body (as most guys do), but I am not really a cardio guy. So when I knew I was going for the show I started working out my legs and running as much as possible. The problem is there is no way to train for the show. The events are made to use all parts of your body and parts that you just don’t normally use.
Are you glad you did it?
To be on the show is a honor for me. To be picked from the thousands that tried out was truly humbling. I wanted to show my nieces and nephews that no matter how old you are or what shape you are in, if you set your mind to something and give it your all you can you can achieve anything. It all comes down to what’s inside your heart. Never give up on your dreams and goals.
If I win the grand prize which is $100,000 and a Toyota truck I plan to engage my girlfriend Shellon and give her the wedding she always wanted. Shellon who is a upcoming female rapper supports me in everything I do.
Any last words before we watch you take on the American Gladiators this Monday night?
I would like to thank my parents, Shellon, my sisters Lisa and Louann, nieces, nephews, the 88th pct, all my Friends and everyone who supported me through this journey.