(Long Island, NY) According to a report in the New York Daily News, Roger Clemens’ worst nightmare may have come true. All through his public denials of what everyone else believes to be true, it has mostly been word against word. Lacking documentation, it came down to whom you believed.
Kirk Radomski, a major steroid supplier who eventually cooperated with investigators, recently discovered shipping receipts from 2002 or 2003 for two kits of human growth hormone that he sent to Clemens at his Houston home. While this is no great revelation to anyone other than Clemens himself, it does put another nail in the former pitcher’s coffin.
The report further stated that the package was addressed to “William Roger Clemens (his actual full name), in care of Brian McNamee,” and that Clemens’ former trainer did not sign for it. The unnamed source added that dates coincide with when Debbie Clemens used HGH to prepare for a Sport Illustrated pictorial with her husband.
Some of this new evidence seems to corroborate McNamee’s claims of Clemens being aware of his wife’s drug use, which he has denied. Clemens has testified under oath that he never used any performance-enhancing drugs or that he knew that his wife intended on using HGH. Having a shipment of that exact substance sent under your name would make that difficult on either end.
Rusty Hardin, who has miraculously remained as Clemens’ lawyer even though he has proven time and time again to be completely incompetent, told reporters that he was unaware of the receipts.
“I can’t imagine that there’s any truth to that at all,” said Hardin. “We’ll find out one day Roger never received or took the stuff.”
If there was a poll taken, perhaps the only lawyers ranked lower than Hardin would be the prosecution team in the O.J. Simpson trial. He has publicly admitted that he is unable to control Clemens, who appears to enjoy challenging the obvious. Any lawyer worth his weight would not allow his client to talk enough to hang himself, this the reason why they have been nicknamed their client’s ‘mouthpiece.’
The United States Justice Department is investigating whether to bring Clemens up on perjury charges, and the discovery of written documentation can only make that happen. What the Daily News report did not state was who did actually sign for the package. Depending if it was Clemens or his wife, that would make a difference in rebutting against Clemens’ earlier testimony.
As the evidence mounts up against the Rocket, it is becoming harder and harder for him and his constantly surprised lawyer to deny this. If you’re expecting either or both to reverse course and admit what we all know to be true, it will be a cold day during August in Texas before that happens.