Let me know if this has happened to you… you meet someone at a function, and the conversation goes really well. You start the think to yourself that this person is very interesting when all the sudden you notice a subtle but noticeable aroma lingering around you. At first, you freak out a little, trying to remember if you wore your deodorant and brushed your teeth, when you realize (and feel somewhat relieved) that it is coming from the person you are talking too. And as you spend the next half hour or so talking with this person, the smell gets so bad that you ask yourself how they could leave the house that way! Now I am a realist… there have been times that I have left the house without a shower or shave, and definitely wasn’t at my most presentable. But you have to know how to judge whether you need to primp up or not. So here are a few suggestions on how to handle such situations.
Where are you going? Where are you heading to? If you’re taking the chance to venture out into the world in your dirty self, you have to judge the “where.” Corner store to pick up diapers you say? OK. Single person going to mall with friends to hang out… probably not. Getting an oil change on your car? Fine. Last minute invite to lunch? No. This brings up my next Suggestion.
What time of day is it? It is fair enough to say that any evening functions require your cleanliness. Unless you are called to a friends house in the middle of the night for moral support because they just got dumped (or some other rare occurrence in the like), you should always plan on “freshening up” for evening functions. During the day, if it is actually called an “event” or “function,” you will want to douse yourself in smell good stuff. And here is a little tip, if you know a function is coming that you are not particularly keen on going too, don’t resist it to the point that you protest getting dressed nice and shaved, because you never know who you will run into, or what great opportunities and/or experiences will present themselves. For those events you are dreading, don’t resist, face them and plan ahead. You may not be enthusiastic about it, but you will at least feel better that you are probably the best looking one there!
No time to primp… bring the bare essentials! There have been times where I have had a surprise engagement right after the gym! Good thing I always have a decent pair of slacks and shirt in the car for emergencies. I also have travel deodorant and mouth wash in my car as well. I may not have been the cleanest person there, but I sure did fake the funk! (Pun intended…). If you have emergency provisions on hand, you will never be caught with your pants down or no nice pants at all!
Bottom line… take pride in your appearance. I know we (as people) can fall into some black hole of jogging pants and torn shirts, or old jeans and a scrunchie, but we always feel better when we look good. We cultivate more self-respect and naturally exude more confidence when we know we look good. So get out of the sweats rut, and I hope to see you out there and looking good. And to the person I met most recently, don’t take your appearance for granted. You never know when an opportunity or the moment of your life will present itself!