It’s human nature to focus on the negative as opposed to the positive. When we are upset, unhappy, and sad, we love to bask and mull over our depressive state, but how come we can’t do that when something good happens! I bet you can remember the last thing that went wrong for you faster than you can remember the last thing that went right for you. How long we decide to stay in an emotional state determines which emotional state we will favor. Therefore, if you are one of those people who are always disappointed, always down about what you don’t have or didn’t get, or always feel you are being treated unfairly, here is what you do. From now on, every day, once a day… you are going to spend a full 5 minutes thinking about anything (and I mean anything) that goes right throughout your day. Did you get out of work a little early? Bask your thoughts in the happiness of your freedom! Your son or daughter get an “A” on a test today? Take 5 minutes and appreciate your child’s persistence and ability to achieve! Taking a few moments to “live in that happy moment,” serves a few purposes.
It gets you in the habit of “living your thoughts” in the more positive events of your life.
It gets you to look at a possible method you used to making that something go right; therefore, you may be able to use that method again and again.
The more you mull over the happy and positive things, the more these moments and thoughts will outweigh the negative ones.
So bottom line… Proud of yourself for finally taking the time to get the brakes on your car done? Enjoy that moment for a few moments and celebrate your ability to “get things done!” It may sound trivial, but you will be glad that you did… UH, OHHH, your gonna be a generally happier person because of this? What a concept!!