(Long Island, NY) Representatives from Long Island community health related organizations will provide free health information, check blood pressure, provide glucose and cholesterol screenings, hearing screenings, STD and HIV testing and more at Suffolk County Community College’s 27th Annual Health and Wellness Fair on the Ammerman Campus, Selden on March 25. The Fair will be held in the College’s Babylon Student Center from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The College’s School of Nursing, Paramedic/ EMT Program, Dietetic Technology Program and Fitness Specialist Programs will be participating, as well as more than 25 health groups including:
- Planned Parenthood
- Long Island Association for AIDS Care
- Thursday’s Child of LI
- John T. Mather Memorial Hospital Eating Disorder Program
- New York State Dept. of Health HIV/STD Field Services
- Stony Brook Preventive Medicine
- Suffolk County Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- Long Island Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
- Suffolk County Department of Health Services
For more information, please call the Suffolk County Community College Health Services Office at (631) 451-4047.