Local Charity, Toys of Hope In Need of Donations for Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts
(Long Island, N.Y.) Hurricane Sandy has devastated our area and tragically many lives were lost. Our team of volunteers have been in our vans and personal vehicles traveling with supplies, for the last 15 days. We drive to different communities and knock on doors. Since many people lost their homes and cars we have found clusters of neighbors all staying in one house, in the dark without heat, electric. Even if a neighborhood had their power restored if a house has water in their basement or severe damage they will not give power to those homes, it is a fire hazard. Families whose homes were spared in some areas lost use of their first floor and basement due to water damage. If they are lucky enough to have a second floor they will yell to us from their window. Even one of our board members lost everything. Her home was inspected and condemned by the state. Now she is newly homeless. Due to extensive mold growing rapidly everywhere, we wear face masks to deliver some of our supplies. Toys of Hope is still in stage one, “survival”, in the upcoming weeks stage two will be “repair and rebuild”.
Many people across the country have embraced our charity after seeing video footage on the news of our daily deliveries to families and especially the children who are affected. It is heart breaking to see young children comforting their parents, while all of their toys and clothes are destroyed on their front lawns. It is impossible to guess what each family needs so we bring the trucks full of supplies to approximately 60 families a day.
Toys of Hope is able to buy everything wholesale and tax free. We are in NEED of MORE MONATARY DONATIONS, to continue at this pace.
Thank you for your support.
A brochure of our charity is down-loadable from:
Toys of Hope is a year-round organization based on Long Island, which provides desperately needed goods and services to over 65,000 needy, underprivileged and homeless children and their families and their pets from Montauk to Manhattan. Unlike other charities, Toys of Hope provides everyday essentials, new bedding and towels, new clothing and shoes to families in addition to toys and does so beyond the holiday season.
In addition, Toys of Hope relies solely on volunteers to accomplish its mission.
- There are no paid employees and ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of all funds contributed go towards helping needy and homeless children, their families and their pets.
The principal guiding our mission is that all children, regardless of their financial status, race, religion or nationality, are deserving of those things which can help give them a happier life. Our goal is to assist families in becoming self sufficient and in turn help to improve their children’s lives.
Toys of Hope is a non profit corporation registered with the State of New York and the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c) (3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible. For further information visit us at www.toysofhope.org. 631-271-TOYS (8697)