Beyonce and Jay Z Finally to Wed… Is it any of our Business?
Beyonce Knowles and Jay Z have finally taken out a marriage license in Westchester after years of dating. And, since the license is only valid for 60 days every paparazzi is on alert tracking the stars to find out what they are doing and trying to find out hints about the ceremony. The thing is – it isn’t anybody’s business.
The couple has been dating for several years and they have always kept their personal lives under the radar. Just because both individuals are megastars and household names does not mean that they are friends to everyone in the world. If they were, then it would be natural for people to feel a need to learn more about their upcoming nuptials. But, since this is not the case, why do so many people care?
And, it’s really not just about caring when Beyonce and Jay Z decide to tie the knot, or even where or what dress she wears. It’s all about living vicariously through someone famous.
Of course, Beyonce and Jay Z deserve the wedding they have always dreamed of. They deserve for the public and the paparazzi to keep their noses out of it and simply let them plan the event without any worries or stress. However, this will never happen. The paparazzi will never allow it. So, this brings us to the following question.
Why do we care so much?
You know how most couples get married and then submit a write-up of their ceremony to the newspaper? Most of the write-ups include information on all the wedding showers and parties thrown for the couple. They also include details of the wedding ceremony, the bride’s gown, and even the honeymoon. But, how many of these do you read with interest? Probably not many. And, how many do you read of people you actually know with interest? Maybe a little more, but still not a lot.
So, why is it that you feel like you have to devour the newspaper, magazine or website that reports up to the minute information on the celebrities?
The answer is simple. We all dream of being famous. We all want to be recognized and live a superstar lifestyle. However, the vast majority of us don’t, so we don’t get much pleasure reading about the details of another one of “us” who gets married. But, when someone outside our realm ties the knot then we want every little detail so we can “oooh” and “ahhh” as well as criticize.
In fact, many of us read these stories specifically so we can criticize these folks. We talk about how stupid a $10,000 wedding dress is and that a million dollar wedding is wasteful and simply stupid. We fantasize what we would do in their situation and we talk in detail about their hair, makeup, and fashion sense.
So, the answer as to why we become enamored with celebrities and want to know everything they are doing and why they are doing it, especially when nuptials are involved, is quite easy. The answer is as simple as fantasy.
We all have fantasies, all of us. And, we imagine the lives of the celebrities are magical. They are not, of course, but our imaginations tell us so many things we believe that it becomes hard to see reality. Especially where the stars are concerned. So, we allow ourselves to become engrossed in the celebrity and desperate for every detail of his or her life. Planning a big event like a wedding makes people become even crazier because they want to be the one who gets noticed, who gets to have the fairy tale. And, absorbing every detail of a celebrity’s life gets us that much closer to the fairy tale.
So, do celebrities who are public figure deserve a private life? Do they deserve to not answer the public’s questions and share their innermost thoughts and experiences with them?
I think they do deserve this privacy. They are after all people, just like all of us, and they don’t want to have to be “on stage” all the time. However, with the Internet, paparazzi, and crazy fans the likelihood of celebrities getting that private life is much more difficult. So, it really is up to the individual celebrity to lead a low profile life in order to have some semblance of privacy. The others who complain about their celebrity but go out to paparazzi filled bars and restaurants don’t deserve a whole lot of pity. That’s my opinion at least!