(Long Island, NY) Yes, it’s Will Ferrell in yet another sports spoof, and it’s (surprise, surprise) exactly like every other Will Farrell movie ever made. This time, the athletic event targeted for satire is Basketball, whereas in the past Will has mined Figure Skating and Stock Car Racing for their comedic value, with varying degrees of success. And he keeps doing this while playing the same exact character each and every time. His latest offering, Semi-Pro, is no different- if you’re going in expecting a Will Farrell movie, that’s exactly what you’re going to get.
1976. Flint, Michigan. The American Basketball Association (ABA), a professional basketball league founded in 1967, is nearing its end as an independent circuit. Large financial losses due to the lack of national television exposure is the cause, but the league is popular enough that a deal is worked out for a merger with the far more established National Basketball Association (NBA). The deal, however, only allows for 4 of the ABA’s teams to be absorbed into the NBA- the remainder of the league would be headed for the unemployment line.
Enter Jackie Moon (Will Farrell), a former disco singer whose one smash hit (“Love Me Sexy”) provided him with the capital necessary to purchase his own ABA team, the Flint Tropics. Full of himself and his fleeting celebrity status, he decides to name himself as their promoter, coach, and power forward as well. The problem is that, while an inspired promoter, Jackie sucks hard as a coach and even more so as a player. His ineptitude propels the Tropics to the very bottom of the ABA rankings, but upon learning of the impending NBA merger, he finally decides to get serious about molding his team into legitimate contenders.
Having only one decent player on the team, Clarence Coffee Black (André Benjamin, AKA André 3000 of the rap group Outkast), Moon realizes that he needs an ace in the hole. Summoning the bargaining skills of Al Bundy, Jerry trades the team’s washing machine(!!) in exchange for Ed Monix (Woody Harrelson), an aging former NBA all-star in the twilight of his career. Good bit of bartering there, Jerry.
But in reality, the acquisition of Monix turns out to be well worth the price of that Maytag, as the experienced pro soon assumes the leadership mantle of the team and actually manages to transform the Tropics from inept losers into….well, slightly less inept losers. It’s not much, but hey, it at least gives them a shot at the NBA. The question is…will they make it?
Semi-Pro is good, mindless fun- loads better than hellishly boring Talladega Nights, Farrell’s 2006 NASCAR racing comedy. Running at a lean 90 minutes, the movie cruises along with nary a hitch or slow moment to speak of. But at the same time, Semi-Pro also predictably adheres to all the typical film clichés involving the downtrodden sports team comprised of misfits banding together in the face of adversity that we’ve seem millions of times before (although there is a slight twist to that formula in the end).
And speaking of being predictable, Will Farrell’s recent roles are starting to become a confusing blur of sameness to me. While his “childish egocentric dunce prone to violent outbursts” act hasn’t worn thin just yet, you can tell it’s going to real soon- Semi-Pro, while opening at the #1 spot this past weekend, nonetheless posted box office returns some thought to be rather lackluster compared to some of Will’s past efforts. Time will tell, but perhaps he should consider branching out into a different type of role here and there, just to play it safe. Perhaps he could, say, play a clown who’s happy on the outside, but in reality is very sad on the inside. And has really bad diarrhea.
Okay, skip that.
As for Will’s co-stars, Andre 3000 turns in an acceptable performance, managing to rise to the typical level of his fellow acting rappers, such as Mos Def and Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson (but I can’t decide if this is a compliment or an insult). Also, it was nice to finally see Woody Harrelson in a movie again, but man, is he starting to look like my grand-pappy. It’s unfortunate, but I guess it happens to us all, sooner or later.
Overall, Semi-Pro is not a classic, but nonetheless remains a very funny movie. If you’re in need of an easy laugh, I’d advise you to check it out.