(Long Island, NY) This summer weekend I enjoyed the hot sandy beach the Long Island sunshine and the fabulous blockbuster movie Superman Returns.
I have always been a huge fan of Superman way back when it was a television series-starring actor George Reeves. Back in the swinging sixties there were two very sexy male actors with the last name Reeves. The first was the seductive muscular Steve Reeves who played Hercules, the Greek son of a Famous Greek God, Zeus and then of course was the handsome George Reeves who portrayed one of the greatest American comic book heroes of all time, Superman. I was approximately six or seven when I first started watching the man of Steel mesmerized by his charismatic physique, piercing blue eyes and intellectual persona. What is it about Superman that every man woman and child finds so ultimately appealing even now in the 21st Century? Do we still need the man of steel, Superman, to save us from ourselves?!
Superman ReturnsFaster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a racing locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Superman! Yes, it’s Superman – strange exotic visitor from another strange off planet who came to Earth with incredible powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman – who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands, and who disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. In the updated version actress Noel Neill and Jack Larson from the original TV series, sat down recently to talk to about their long involvement in the world of Superman… They both make cameo appearances in “Superman Returns,” directed by Bryan Singer, Ms. Neill as a wealthy widow whose deathbed scene is the opening act of the film, and Mr. Larson as a bow-tie-wearing bartender serving drinks to Jimmy Olsen (played this time by Sam Huntington) and Clark Kent. You will also see some footage from the Christopher Reeve Movie with Movie Star Marlon Brando.
The new and improved sexy starlet portraying our beloved Lois lane is none other than movie star Kate Bosworth. American actress Kate Bosworth, who plays the feisty journalist Lois Lane, stole the show from the caped superhero in a daring backless mini-dress at the London Premiere. Another fabulous actress Parker Posey places Kitty the arch villan’s girlfriend to Lex Luther played by Kevin Spacey. Parker looks glamorous, sexy and gorgeous wearing furs, pearls and diamonds throughout the film and delivers some very funny lines as the villain’s mistress to diabolical villain perfectly cast Kevin Spacy’s Lex Luther. Newcomer sexy hunk Brandon Routh now portrays the man of steel and is quoted in a recent interview saying, “I was aware of the great legacy, not only of Superman, but also of Christopher Reeve. He’s the one that made me love Superman, watching him perform.” said Brandon, but he added: “You have to try to imagine what it’s like to be the most powerful person on earth and there’s no room for fear in that.”
I must tell you darlings, after seeing the new and improved “Superman Returns” Actor Brandon Routh does a spectacular job of playing the invisible man of Steel. Everytime I gazed up at the enormous movie screen I felt like an impressionable girl of three going to see her first glamorous blockbuster movie flick. It was also extremely eerie, the resemblance is amazing, both stars, Christopher Reeve and Brandon Routh are 6’4; both are extremely handsome, both have those amazing piercing blue eyes and sexy cleft chin. I will never forget the first time I met and interviewed movie star Legend Christopher Reeve at the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation Gala, “A Magical Evening”.
It was my most favorite celebrity interview of all time. I had the opportunity to talk to Chris about some very important issues concerning spinal cord injury and victims suffering from Paralysis. “Why do your support Therapeutic Cloning?” I asked. Because it is a very important part of Research. I believe Therapeutic Cloning is necessary in order to use patient’s own DNA that is critical to avoid rejection by the immune system” he replied. Can you tell us about the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Act” I inquired, “ Yes that is an act that will blanket the entire country and create rehabilitation research, quality of life grants and medical research for all forms of paralysis he expressed.
To this day he has been my most significant interview with a celebrity ever. Yes darlings, I guess I am still in love with Superman just like every red blooded American Woman.
The director of the film, Donner is convinced that Superman Returns signals the rebirth of the Warner Bros franchise, which has lain dormant from cinema screens for nearly two decades. In this new version a mysterious absence of several years, the Man of Steel comes back to Earth in the epic action-adventure Superman Returns, a soaring new chapter in the saga of one of the world’s most beloved superheroes. While an old enemy plots to render him powerless once and for all, Superman faces the heartbreaking realization that the woman he loves, Lois Lane, has moved on with her life. Or has she? Superman’s bittersweet return challenges him to bridge the distance between them while finding a place in a society that has learned to survive without him. In an attempt to protect the world he loves from cataclysmic destruction, Superman embarks on an epic journey of redemption that takes him from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space.
I recommend all darlings, to see this flick on the big screen. So many of us now buy or rent but this is a true Hollywood Flick you need to see on the big screen. There is just nothing like it darlings, take your kids, take your significant other, buy that $5.00 dollar popcorn indulge and enjoy!!!