News: Surfing Competition in Long Beach
(Long Island, N.Y.) Residents of the City of Long Beach are buzzing over the scheduled world class surfing competition to be hosted on their humble shores. The competition is the first of its kind along the East Coast and has captured the attention of all of Long Island’s surfers and surf enthusiasts. The event, the Quiksilver Professional New York Surf Competition, is booked for September 1st to the 15th.
The surfing competition is the world’s first million-dollar professional surfing event, offering the hefty prize to its winning competitors. It will showcase over thirty of the world’s best surfers as they tour various beaches and cities highlighted by the event. Prior to arriving off the coast of Long Island, the Quiksilver Professional Surfing Competitors will have competed in Tahiti.
Long Beach is scheduled as the sixth stop on the tour, and at least five more stops are in store for the competitors. Reports stated that some of the competitors got an early start on the event and were able to practice riding the waves during Saturday’s tropical storm. The storm, which rocked and flooded some of the narrow streets of Long Beach, was all according to plan for these surfing pros.
Sources claimed that Quiksilver announced that its decision to schedule the event during hurricane season was all according to plan. Hurricane season would almost guarantee waves off the shores of Long Beach. Nonetheless, reports stated that the city suffered significant erosion as a result of the storm.
Thankfully, there was no structural damage to the building constructed to host the competition. It had been dissembled prior to the storm, and is scheduled to be reconstructed in accordance with the surfing company’s original intention. Thousands of spectators are expected to attend the event, though no one can determine with any certainty how many will show up for this original competition.
Bad news came to City of Long Beach residents when the city manager announced that the event’s festival sideshows had been cancelled in response to the damage caused by Hurricane Irene. In response to the devastating news supporters of the competition scheduled a silent, peaceful protest outside City Hall. The protest was scheduled to occur on Tuesday morning to coincide with the meeting between Quiksilver and City Hall officials.
Many followers of the story have viewed the competition as a way to prove that there are waves at New York beaches, and to pay homage to the dedicated surfers that populate the City of Long Beach and other areas on Long Island. In the wake of the hurricane, Long Beach lifeguard mounds were lost and the chairs were blown away by the winds of the storm. Thankfully, all of the chairs were recovered and will be restored to the beaches as soon as possible.
The Allegria hotel, scheduled to accommodate the world class surfers, suffered damage from the storm. Two feet of water flooded the ground floors, and workers have been employed to speedily restore conditions by Thursday’s start to the competition.