Sometimes in our lives we get to a point where we feel like we have reached a plateau. We have gotten as far as we can go. We start to yearn for something more, something challenging. This could mean that you may need to take a part of your life to the next level. As human beings, it is in our nature to strive to evolve, grow, and excel. That is how we (as a species) continue to expand, achieve and accomplish. Don’t ignore these feelings… remember that feelings are messages, so we need to determine what they are trying to tell us. Start to examine the different areas of your life; family, career, relationships, spiritual, and financial; and determine what area you would like to take to the next level.
Taking it to the next level means taking a step forward, and creating advancement in your life. It doesn’t have to be a gigantic step forward, just a step. Of course the object is to challenge yourself, and the outcome is to experience accomplishment, self-worth, and meaning. Here are some examples of “Taking It to The Next Level,” and some can be done tomorrow!
1.Starting a new hobby that interests you.
2. Pursuing a raise or promotion at work.
3. Deciding to put more effort into your marriage.
4. Spending more time with your children; to be a better parent.
5. Learn about investing, or finally deciding to open an IRA towards retirement.
6. Going back to college.
7. Attending church more often, or enhancing your spiritual life.
Changing your wardrobe or your nutritional lifestyle can also be taking it to the next level. Whatever you determine is an area in your life that you could improve or advance in, is worth the effort. I remember when I hit a plateau in my life. I had gotten to a point where I put myself in this protective shell. I was living in the nose bleed section (so to speak), instead of on the field and in the game. Now I could have stayed feeling inferior for the rest of my life, or do something to help build my confidence. I felt that I had hit a dead end in my life, and determined that building my confidence would help me to do the things I wanted to do. So I decided to take martial arts classes, and it changed my life and self-confidence forever! But it didn’t stop there! Once I reached the next plateau, I felt I had to advance from there, and from there, and from there. That’s taking it to the next level. Such is life!
So what will you do to take it to the next level… Well?