I can’t tell you how many times I come across men and women complaining about how they are trying to lose weight, or get physically fit for the summer, and become disappointed with the results. Because of this, I have created a narrowed down list of the 4 most common reasons why people are so unsuccessful with their “Summer Body Plans” workout. Here they are:
The method of workout you choose is NOT right for you. Most of the time, we are led to a form of diet and exercise from a friend and/or word of mouth, and when we give it our best shot and do not receive the results we were looking for, we get frustrated and most likely give up all together. It is OK to get optimistic when trying a new diet or exercise program, but keep in mind that for the first few months (at least), you have to consider it a “trial” period for that method. If you realize this method is not right for you early on, don’t waste precious time on it, move or search for another one. Eventually, you will find the right one for you.
We don’t follow the program the way we are supposed to. There is a difference between “tailoring” a program to fit your individual needs, and “skipping” some steps all together. If you do not follow the program the way it was intended, then the lack of results is not due to failure of the program, but it is due to you not following the program. Only when you follow the program correctly, can you blame the program if you end up with little or no results.
We are into it at first, but eventually get “bored,” and end up back where we were. This is probably one of the biggest reasons we fail in the quest for a permanent physical and healthy life change. Try to stay away from programs that do not offer much variety, such as the “Atkins” diet, or the “Tofu” diet. Why subject yourself to this, especially if you are a person that likes variety in your food? Also, whatever you choose, make sure you research ways to vary the program and keep it exciting and fresh. I had a client who wanted to start running, and lost a great deal of weight doing it. Eventually however, he got bored of it, because he was just running. After talking with him, we determined some ways he can make it exciting and refresh his enthusiasm. Those variations included running a different course, or in a different area, adding sprints to the workout or beating his current time or distance, and finally, entering races or competitions in his area. You must constantly be on the lookout for new and exciting ways to vary your program; this will keep your enthusiasm fresh.
We think “summer time,” when we should really be thinking, “lifetime!” It is not just about getting that summer body just the way you want it. You tell me of one person you know who is successful at getting in shape for the summer, and then stopping for the other seasons, then getting in shape for the summer, then stopping for the other seasons… it doesn’t work! If your goal is to get in shape just in time for the summer, that’s great! But you need to make that change a lifestyle change. The other thing that can backfire when making a “summer body resolution” is that you are seriously putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Working for the body you want takes work and time. What happens if don’t get where you want to be by the summer? You guessed it… we give up! We say to ourselves, “Oh well, I will just enjoy the summer and be happy the way I am… there is always next year!” Before you know it, you have put yourself in this vicious cycle and are setting yourself up to fail… every year! Don’t let this happen to you! Working for the body you want is a lifetime and lifestyle change!
One more thing I would like to mention, don’t start your workout plans in the summer! It does you no good. You might want to consider starting in the beginning of the year, perhaps making it your New Years resolution. Or better yet, the year before in the fall. This way, you associate working out in all seasons, and even though you may achieve your results by early summer, you will continue to stay physically fit and enjoy your fit body for a lifetime.