(Long Island, N.Y.) Want to know how to easily score a gazillion thank you’s from your kids? Hop on the LIRR and whisk them away to New York City to see the Gazillion Bubble Show at New World Stages. It’s magical!
First, I’ll say that my family and I are no strangers to live family shows. We’ve been to a bunch: Annie, the Circus, Go Diego Live, Disney Princesses on Ice, The Christmas Spectacular, The Backyardagains…the list, as you might guess, goes on and on.
It usually turns out to be a $60 nap for my daughter who snoozes right after intermission and for my son, after he downs a $10 cup of popcorn, he’s asking when it will be over already. But the Gazillion Bubble Show, their eyes were glued to the stage and they were mesmerized by one of their favorite things–bubbles! And boy were there lots of them.
Honestly, the show is stunning and it’s as kid (and parent friendly) as they come. It’s not just bubbles blowing all over the place–I found it heartwarming, funny at times and inspiring. My husband and I were in awe and the kids can’t stop talking about it….
Warning: When you get home, you’ll be asked over and over again by your kids to do amazing things with bubbles and begged to accomplish feats only a bubble genius like Fan Yang (the show’s creator/producer/performer) can pull off.
Fan Yang is a 12-time Guinness World Record holder and is known as ‘the greatest bubble artist in the world’. He weaves his life story through the show and he’s entertaining and so likeable. Really makes you want to focus on a dream and follow it with unflinching courage. He floated his way up from humble beginnings all in pursuit of a dream and a childhood fascination with bubbles.
And who knew anyone could do such amazing things…with soap! They float, bounce, spin. The there’s bubbles inside bubbles, smoking bubbles, bubbles of all shapes and sizes. (I know, I sound like Bubba from Forrest Gump talking about shrimp!) Please pardon the pun but it really is unbubble-believable.The show is suitable for any age and don’t be surprised if you’re as spellbound as your kids.
Before or after the show, the kids can get a photo inside a gigantic bubble ($20) and you can buy some really cool bubble gadgets for the kids. Again, consider yourself warned. Please make it clear to the kiddos that you simply cannot perform the many bubble tricks as seen at the show. I spent the entire day after repeating, “Nope, sorry–I haven’t the slightest idea how to make a mega bubble.” Only Fan Yang (or his wife Ana who also performs the show) can pull off such intricate bubble tricks that make you scratch your head and ponder the laws of physics.
Gazillion Bubble Show
New World Stages
340 West 50th Street
New York, N.Y. 10019
tickets: www.telecharge.com
or call 212.239.6200