The Lloyd Manor Estate and Jupiter Hammon
There are many historical buildings and homes in the Long Island area. One residence in particular which is rich in history is that of Lloyd Manor Estate. This beautiful home is not only rich in architectural history but due to its occupants as well. One historical figure who called Lloyd Manor home for many years was Jupiter Hammon.
Lloyd Manor Estate
Lloyd Manor Estate is a beautiful home that was constructed in 1766. The formal name of the home is the Joseph Lloyd Manor Estate named after one of its owners yet most individuals these days refer to the magnificent historical home as Lloyd Manor. The home contains furniture from the prior owner, John Lloyd II, and also various displays relating to Jupiter Hammon, the first published African American poet. Outside the home one will be treated with the sights of Lloyd Harbor as well as beautiful estate gardens. The Lloyd Manor Estate is a beautiful home inside and out which is rich with history.
The Life of Jupiter Hammon
For those who are unfamiliar with the historical figure of Jupiter Hammon, he was considered the first African American writer to publish his works in America. Born in 1711, Jupiter Hammon was sold into slavery to Henry Lloyd who lived in the town which later became known as Lloyd Harbor, New York. Jupiter Hammon was provided with an education from Nehemiah Bull, a Harvard graduate, with the permission of Henry Lloyd and allowed to visit the library of Lloyd Manor on a frequent basis. During his time spent at Lloyd Manor Estate, Jupiter Hammon wrote poems and preached to the other enslaved individuals of the manor.
The name Jupiter Hammon is most often construed with poetry and he had many of his works published throughout the years. His first published work was presented to the world in 1760 and was entitled An Evening Thought. After that point in time, Jupiter Hammon published many works during the time in which he lived at Lloyd Manor Estate which was until his death around the year of 1806. The content of his works had various religious undertones to it and dealt mainly with this specific topic.
The Lloyd Manor Estate is a wonderful place to visit, not only due to its sheer architectural beauty but also because of the occupants who once lived within this manor. Although currently closed for renovation, the manor will resume its status as a tourist attraction once the renovations have been completed.