So, Do You Think You Can Ace The Interview?
Do you have what it takes to snag your dream job? Well, that’s what they want to know, too. The competition these days…steep. If you’ve been out of work for a while (hi, moms!) you just might be a bit rusty on your interviewing skills. Take this quiz to see how cool you’ll be—sitting in the hot seat.
You showed up for the interview:
[A] A little early. I called ahead to confirm the meeting, got detailed directions and gave myself plenty of wiggle room for things to go wrong. (They always do!)
[B] On the dot. Phew. Thank GOD I didn’t stop for Starbucks.
[C] Just a few minutes late. My online driving directions were a little off and I just wasn’t sure what floor to go to.
What did you take with you?
[A] A polished portfolio, neatly packed with my resume, visual examples of my past work—even some personal and professional references.
[B] Just my resume. In a nice folder, of course.
[C] They didn’t ask me to bring anything. I emailed my resume already—that’s why they called.
Wait, let’s back up a little. How much do you know about the company before sitting down with one of its executives?
[A] Boy, did I do my homework. I know (and can articulate if they ask): what they do, why they’re so good at it, who their completion is, target customer, and why I’m the perfect candidate for this job. (The info wasn’t really that hard to find. Thanks Google!)
[B] I did my share of clicking on their website. And made sure I focused on their “about us” section.
[C] Not so much—only that I would LOVE to be on their payroll one day.
During the interview, the hiring manager starts explaining potential job duties and you’re totally confused! (Is she speaking English??) You:
[A] Ask a bunch of questions and listen intently. You figure it shows you’re eager to learn and naturally inquisitive.
[B] Ask one, two questions tops. You think it might hurt your chances if you speak up.
[C] Smile and nod. You’re baffled to bits but don’t want to look like a dumb dumb.
Your interviewer asks if you’re a “team player”. You cleverly respond by
[A] Showing her you’re not all about personal glory and know it takes some strong interpersonal skills for a team to thrive. In fact, you give her an example of a team-based project you completed in the past and highlighted your (small but significant) contribution to its success.
[B] explain how with any job—you know it’s not all about me, me, me and you’re willing to go the extra mile to help out a co-worker if need be.
[C] Rattling off the names of your past softball, lacrosse and dance teams. You mention you did make nationals!
OK–interview’s over! What do you do before leaving?
[A] You ask to be briefly filled in about what generally happens next in their hiring process. A sincere thank you for her time and consideration and you’re out the door.
[B] You decide not to bother her with questions. After saying thank you, you gather your things and rush out.
[C] You ask a ton of questions: When will you make your decision? How did I do? How many others are interviewing for this job? (Cringe) What’s your vacation time like?
Mostly A’s: Aces High. You aced it alright! In fact, you probably impressed the pants off of them. Wow. You’re one fierce, detail orientated chic that’s YES–savvy enough to snag her dream job. Oh, and about that polished portfolio you put together: Be sure to leave it behind. Might have to make a few trips to Kinko’s—but it’s worth it! The candidate before you showed up six minutes late, clutching a single paper-protected resume and a lukewarm latte. You’ll. Be. Golden.
Mostly B’s: Winged it. You just might be great at winging things but it’s a jungle out there and you need to step it up if you want to blow away the competition. Details, details, details—pay attention to them and don’t be afraid to really go the extra mile. FYI: As much as possible show don’t tell and as for questions—ask away. Some hiring managers say they’ll throw in some confusing concepts—on purpose—to see if the candidate is on her toes, curious and courageous enough to speak up.
Mostly C’s. Flub-a-dub-dub. Ouchy. So, you’re not-so-sharp when it comes to gaining that competitive edge. Well, no worries. First, read all the A/aces answers in this quiz and just realize if you want the job bad enough—you better act like it. The next candidate will be sitting in that same seat an hour later and if she’s got a stuffed binder in her hand with her game face on, you might as well kiss the job goodbye.