News: Update On Brooklyn Boy’s Killer
(Long Island, N.Y.) The man arrested for the murder of an eight-year-old boy from Borough Park, Brooklyn has captured national media attention since his recent arraignment. Parts of his confession, details about his exchange with law enforcement, and clips of his court proceedings have reached the press. Since he has been determined fit to stand trial, more information has surfaced concerning the nature of what many have deemed a cold-blooded killer.
One source claimed that the thirty-five-year-old Brooklyn resident and alleged murderer was asked if he knew anything about past sex crimes against children. He responded by recounting an incident from his late adolescence when a man grouped him while riding a subway. He claimed to be eighteen at the time of the incident, and it’s uncertain whether he named his alleged attacker.
Other reports stated that he had been asked whether he had sexually abused the defenseless eight-year-old before killing him in his apartment. He claimed he would never do it, stating that he doesn’t “swing that way.” Nonetheless, police and authorities have been looking into other cases with the intentions of making possible connections to the man they believe is responsible for the boy’s murder.
He also denied knowing another missing boy from Brooklyn who disappeared from his foster mother’s apartment about a year ago. Many questions still remain concerning the case of the slain eight-year-old, including why the alleged killer had taken the child in the first place. Likewise, it’s uncertain why he would admit to the killing in his initial confession but leave out the details about drugging the boy and tying him up prior to the murder.
An autopsy revealed that the boy was fed a tuna sandwich that contained a cocktail of drugs and medications. Followers of the case also want to know why the alleged killer claimed that the eight-year-old attended a wedding with him in upstate New York, and later revealed that the boy remained in the car with the windows down. Perhaps the real question is what, if any, other crimes have been committed of a similar nature, and whether prosecutors are attempting to dig for them as a supplement to the their case against his killer.
One report claimed that the alleged murderer stated that he had been trying to get back into the Jewish religion but declined the necessity for a kosher meal. He told police and investigators that he would eat anything, and decided between a tossup of McDonald’s or Chinese takeout. He settled on the latter, being that he was told it would require a shorter wait.
The presiding judge told his team of defense lawyers that he had no power concerning corrections officials’ placement of prisoners. The attorneys had previously requested that their client remain at Bellevue hospital for continued psychiatric evaluations. Sources claimed that a dozen members of the tight-knit Hasidic community attended the arraignment, but that the boy’s family was not among them.
The defense has until September 19th to enter a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. The defendant remains at Bellevue but will likely be transferred to a jail in the near future.