What if you found out that you had only 3 months left to live? I recently saw a wonderful movie called “Last Holiday” with Queen Latifah, and it reminded me of one of the most powerful questions I use to stir up my clients… to get them to truly look at themselves and their lives, and figure out exactly what it is they want from this world? I would like all of you to take a moment and ask yourself the question above. What would you do differently with the last 3 months of your life? What experiences would you like to experience that you haven’t yet? What places would you like to visit, what things would you like to do, what wrongs would you make right? Who would you forgive, and who would you finally tell, “I love you?”
You see… what happens when we are faced with this question, is it forces us to think of how we would live and what we would do from this moment forth, with no limits, boundaries, or fears… the way we should strive to live every single day of our lives. It shows us how truly precious time is. This question is also used to stir up emotions that sometimes we are afraid to acknowledge and/or express. If you decided to live this new fearless life, how do you think it would change your emotions, your confidence, your relationships, and you as a whole?
Do yourself a favor, ponder on this question for a little while, and see what answers, thoughts, and perhaps revelations… you come up with. Think of all the things you take advantage of, and all the people and things you are grateful for. Better yet, make it a point to revisit this question every once in while on a regular basis. And when you have your answers, make it a point to make them a big part of you future. It will help you get closer and closer to the life you always dreamed…
And remember… you only have three months to do it!