Psychological Problems Deserve Prozac not Paparazzi
Many of us have dealt with psychological problems in the past and many of us deal with them every single day. For those that do not suffer firsthand they probably know at least one person in their family or close circle of friends that takes an anti-depression drug or a prescription for some other mental illness.
And, we all know when illnesses are treated, effected individuals are much better off. In fact, when we know someone suffering from depression, bi-polar disorders, multi-personality disorders, post partum depression, or anything of the sort we wonder how to help them and actually seek out ways to extend that help. Even if it means potentially causing some ruffled feathers along the way.
So, why is it that celebrities like Britney Spears cannot get the love and support from her family and friends to actually seek professional treatment?
Many people believe nobody can help her because Britney believes there is nothing wrong. Well, that is no different from any other person battling a mental illness yet their family members generally find a way to help them. Others believe the problem is that she has enough money to control her life and nobody else has a say-so in what she does or does not seek treatment for.
Well, I have enough money to control my own life as well, maybe not at the level of Britney Spears, but I manage to pay my bills, take vacations, and put money aside. And, if I were behaving like Britney Spears my parents would not wait until I hit rock bottom and asked for help. They would hog tie me and carry me wherever I needed to go to get the help I needed. And, I’m even a couple years older than Britney.
So, could it be that her family doesn’t care?
That doesn’t seem possible because Britney was their meal ticket and is probably the only meal ticket that family has for the future, especially with a 15 year old sister [actress Jamie Lynn] knocked up. You would think their current status of living would be enough to motivate them into action, if it weren’t from genuine love than for her welfare and safety.
The whole situation is so bizarre and I think that is why America is so mesmerized by it. It just doesn’t make sense at all.
You have this beautiful and talented woman who made it huge as a teenager. She then married, had kids, and divorced. The divorce is surely a bump in the road, but many couples have been through it and still manage to keep their sanity. The kids are a bonus for sure and you would think Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, alone would motivate her to act mature and responsible.
I know when I had my son 14 months ago I became more responsible, more concerned about our future, and more grounded. That has happened to most moms I know, so why didn’t it happen to Britney Spears?
Everyone has their own “diagnosis” as to her problems. She is psychotic, has multiple personality disorder, postpartum depression, and who knows what else. If she really does have a mental condition why is she not getting help?
Continuing on at the rate she is going will result in either her death or a severe accident. Nobody wants that to happen but instead of stepping in and finding a way to help her we all just read about the newest Britney development. And, as you well know, there is a new one every day.
In fact, the train wreck that is Britney Spears has been going full-speed ahead almost a year now. When she shaved her head we all sat up and said, “Hmm, there is something wrong with her” and that was after the multiple crotch shots.
Britney continues the nakedness whenever she can seemingly enjoying showing the world her private parts. And, after losing custody of her kids, having multiple incidents with her car from running over photographers’ feet to leaving it parked in the middle of the road, she is now using a British accent.
Seriously, she is speaking in a British accent.
Does this sound normal to you?
It sounds so far out from the Britney we all adored five years ago that it is obvious something major is amiss. The evidence leans strongly to some sort of mental unbalance rather than just a show she is putting on for attention.
So, the million-dollar question again pops up. How can we get this pop star the help she needs?
If she were our friend or family member we would risk our friendship or relationship with her in order to help her get the help she needs. Since it appears very few people actually have a relationship with her and those that do don’t appear to be doing anything, there is really nothing to lose. So, America as a whole should join together and find a way to help Britney.
Yeah, I know that sounds kind of cheesy. Why would we want to help her?
Well, the answer is because she NEEDS it. It doesn’t matter how much money she has or how famous she is. All of that is about to go down the tubes anyway. What matters is she is a human being with two young sons who need their momma back.
Not to mention we the public need something else to focus on other than Britney Spear’s crazy stunt of the day!
So, here is to “America’s Campaign to Help Britney.”